I wanted to share something with those on my friends list. This - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share something with those on my friends list. This was written over 25 years ago by my twin brother, William Sillyman. Three years later, our mom passed away due to cancer. Mother, In your defense William Lee Sillyman Life is a trial without you. Yes, I see you. You over there smirking at all mankind. I see, you entity from the bowels of Hell. Yeah, I’m talking to you. You with the evil grin. I smell your vile stench as you chew and vomit in your own glory of another helpless soul you have destroyed. I have seen what you have done in the wake of your mindless, callous and rampant desire and disrespect for the tender human flesh. How I would love to lay hold of you and rip your vicious, jagged teeth from your rotting gums and ram them down your bloody throat. To tear you limb from limb and feed the parts back to you. Just to give back the pain you have caused me. I curse you and yet you laugh, taunting and teasing my feelings. Ranting at with “You foolish, weak human. You can’t destroy me that easily. You may win a battle, but the war is far from over.” “You’re right; I concede, for now.” Many ways you have worked at destroying what you touch. Fluid of living, tainted my your saliva, poisoning not only your fragile victims, but those around who must bear the waste of your demented, vile and senseless need for more flesh to claim. This you leave in your wake. I hate you with all that I most despise. You a spawn of the most evil of all creatures, Satan himself. You, I hate the most. You are stealing one of my most loved and cherished individuals, a person so full of love and caring. One that has harmed no one – I have seen you eat the bowels where now a bag of plastic can do what tissue of flesh can no longer do. Your teeth have gnawed at the bones and organs to where a living shell now resides. Tormented in pain and agony. My father in Heaven, I pray for you to end it in peace. Stay the final bite for a welcome rest, freedom from the pain. Father, I beseech thee to find and give a release. In thy Son’s name, Jesus Christ. Amen. “What is your name, so that I may know you?” I asked. Sneering with his jagged grin, “CANCER”,” he replied. “You have claimed many lives throughout time. Who is your next victim?” I cried. He laughs and evil, sadistic laugh. And then he grins again and says, “Your beloved mother.” Again he begins to laugh. “NO, DAMN YOU, NO!!! What has she done to you?” I screamed. “Nothing,” he laughed again. “I was just hungry,” as he giggled in total delight. My screams echoed in my ears. Rivers of tears flowed down my cheeks. “Momma, I can’t help you. I’m helpless against this menace. Cancer is slowly murdering you and I can’t stop him. I don’t know how. The only way to stop him is eternal sleep, and yet he still wins.” Death is his final power. Cancer, I loathe your very existence. One day man will destroy you. But until that day I will curse you for what you have done. I will rejoice in the day that momma sleeps, for the damage has been done. You have won this battle. But, this war is far from over. One day we will get you, you bastard, and we will win. (Originally written, March 28, 1990) Published in THE GRIFFEN, April 23, 1990, Volume 166, Number 27, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, MO
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:07:52 +0000

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