I wanted to share with you my experience coming home yesterday on - TopicsExpress


I wanted to share with you my experience coming home yesterday on my flight. Like all of us, I was tired yesterday morning and just looking forward to sleeping on the flight home. When we checked in first thing in the morning, I was delayed by the man about my age in front of me who was taking forever to get checked in. Seemed like a first-timer in Nicaragua and nervous as heck. In waiting, I noticed an old skeleton of a man hunched over in a wheelchair. He looked almost unconscious as his mouth hung open and his eyes were rolled back in his head. I thought to myself that man should not be going on an airplane. Fast forward to walking on the airplane to find my seat. My seat was 4F, window seat first row behind first class. As I approached, I saw the old shriveled man in the aisle seat and the nervous guy sitting next to him. I motioned that was my seat and the young man moved the old mans legs as much as he could to let me through. I wasnt even settled and he said, Im sorry. I asked for what and he said, for having to deal with this and sit with us. I stated it was no problem and I wasnt a very needy flier. He explained his dad had a stroke and he was on this treacherous journey to take him back to Toronto where they were from. Although I got snippets of naps in throughout the flight, I certainly didnt get my solid 3 hours sleep I was expecting. Instead I met and talked to Jake, the son. Through Q&A, he asked me what I was doing in Nicaragua, what BASIC does and such. I found out that his dad decided after retirement that he wanted to live in Nicaragua for 6-12 months and live the simple life. Jake and family begged him to get evacuation insurance but he is a stubborn independent man and said, I am strong I do not need it. A week ago Paul (dad) had a massive stroke and Jake received a call from a doctor in a hospital in Leon telling him so and he needed to come down. Jake was terrified about his dads condition but also about traveling to a third world country. With the help of his aunt, Jake inquired into a medivac flight for his dad. Three quotes later for $35,000, Jake knew he would have to make the trek himself to retrieve dad. Jake flew down and rented a car. What an experience that was as he was classically pulled over by the police at 11:30 at night driving from the airport to Leon. As if his nerves werent shot enough, trying to communicate with Nicaraguan police was unnerving since he does not speak Spanish. They told him the rental cars registration was expired and for 600 cordobas they would let him go. Jake admits he would never drive in Nicaragua again by choice. Once he got to the hospital, he found his dad on the 4th floor of a 5-floor hospital with one functioning elevator out of three. That is reserved only for patients in stretchers so he would have to climb the stairs just like the doctors, nurses, and walking patients. Jake soon realized he was in over his head. His dad could not speak and his entire left side was paralyzed. He could only take sips of water without aspirating. Pauls stubbornness was in full swing though as he continued to pull out his IV and his nose tubes daily. Jake had to use his own belt to restrain his dad as the hospital had none. He also had to provide his own sheets for the bed, clothes for Paul and water. There is no air conditioning or fans in the hospital and the air was a thick 45 degrees celsius each day (113 degrees fahrenheit). Jake was having a hard time just keeping his dad hydrated each day as he sweat laying in the bed. The only way Jake got a nurse to attend to his dad was to hire them. Jake paid for a day shift and a night shift nurse to have round the clock care for his dad. The room stay, IV, nutrition through the nose tube was all free but anything ancillary he was responsible to pay for. What was more frustrating is he could not communicate with the doctor nor staff well due to his lack of language skills. Jake knew he had to get his dad out of there. With the help of his Aunt back in Toronto, she booked a flight for Jake and he started the painful process. He found his dads good friend to take Pauls dog in and pretty much left everything else behind in his meager home. He somehow got his dad loaded in the rental car even though it takes two people to move his dead weight. When I had seen them checking in at the Delta desk, Jake had already been awake for about 30 hours. Jake and Paul had figured out a communication system of one finger for no and two fingers for yes as Paul still had movement in his right arm. Throughout our conversations we would have to pause as Jake would wipe the drool from his dads mouth, give him a sip of water (although his dad was bound and determined to drink Jakes Coke) or reposition his long legs that often flopped over in to the aisle. About half way through the flight, I asked Jake what his dads name was and thats when I learned it was Paul. Without knowing if Jake had a faith of any nature, I said, Im going to pray for your dad. Jake almost cried as he thanked me and said he really needed that then. Thats when Jake and I introduced our names to each other with a handshake and then almost excitedly Jake introduced me to Paul. He said in a loud voice, Dad, this is Suzy. I confidently stuck my hand out to Paul and he shook my hand softly. Hi Paul, nice to meet you. Im Suzy. Mucho gusto!...with a smile. Paul curled the corner of the right side of his mouth and looked in to me with his piercing light green eyes. He was a mess, he smelled (as he was not bathed in the hospital) and had a colostomy bag, he needed to be shaved and looked almost scary to every other passenger and flight attendant but to me, he looked so gentle, tired, and longing for his life back. Jake and I almost took turns the rest of the flight taking mini-cat naps for 10-15 minutes at a time. When Jake fell asleep I would stay awake as I knew his dad would wake up and soon be trying to steal the coke bottle in the seat pocket in front of him or get the attention of the stewardess as he wanted something to eat. When Paul was acting up, Id nudge Jake awake. I talked Jake through how they would navigate customs in the US and the Atlanta airport to get to their next flight direct to Toronto. I assured him he would be in good hands as the porters in ATL are very attentive and navigate the airport well. He would not have to stress out as his porter would get them there on time, safely, and get to cut in line. As we were landing, I reminded Jake that he was half-way home and the worst part was over (getting out of Nicaragua). The rest was a cake walk and soon they would be home. He thanked me for turning what he thought would be the worst most stressful day of his life in to a bearable and almost pleasurable experience. When it was time to leave, I climbed over Jake and Paul and turned around and stuck out my hand for Paul again. I said, Paul, it was nice to meet you. Im going to be praying for you for healing. You get better quick and get some good therapy. Next time Ill see you, it will be in Nicaragua. Paul smiled. I know I wont see Paul in Nicaragua, but he needs to think he can go back. Jake said he knew Paul was embarrassed to be coming back to Canada this way. Paul needs motivation. I snatched a small water bottle from first class and handed it to Jake as Id knew hed need more for Paul. He sheepishly said thanks and smiled....and with that I exited the plane. The moral of the story: When youre put in a situation that messes up YOUR schedule, look at the situation and understand why God may have put you there. I truly believe there is a reason and a purpose for everything that happens in our lives. Be aware. Be kind. Love one another.
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 17:02:04 +0000

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