I was currently in the throes of a very lively discussion with a - TopicsExpress


I was currently in the throes of a very lively discussion with a few of the nurses here at Profil. The topic was spurred by me relating a certain anecdote about a time I participated in a breast cancer study at a different institute. One of the male nurses quipped in passing the hilarity of me potentially developing breasts as an outcome or side effect. And being impervious to absurdities, I quickly retorted that I would enjoy that prospect. That there would be more time spent in the bathroom -- self-fondling, modeling, trying on tank tops. This warranted an uncomfortable murmur of laughter for those within earshot. And so I took the conversation further, deeper. I posed to the same male nurse a question: In a survival situation, with only two options, starvation or sustenance, would he willingly feed off a male who had the ability to lactate? And if this male in question, me, was totally eager to offer suckle? And of course the male nurse attempted to shake away from the tableau I in very few words illustrated for him, and that his mien betrayed had terribly engrossed him. Shudders notwithstanding, he alluded to his physiological erudition by pointing out that mens milk is barely nutritious and that in freezing temperatures lactating is nearly impossible. (The freezing temperatures scenario is one he invoked and imagined entirely independent of anything I had said. Also, the specific details he gave about the nutritional value of male milk was only acquiesced by the group in a sort of quiet self-conscious way.) Once I reinforced that the whole thing is an abstraction - a thought experiment - and that he didnt have the option of being logical or resorting to cannibalism, he then finally opined it would be better for him to die.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 03:39:06 +0000

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