I was driving my daughters to elementary school on this day in - TopicsExpress


I was driving my daughters to elementary school on this day in 2001. The first plane had struck just as we were leaving the house and we listened to news coverage on the radio as we drove. I spent most of the rest of the day in shock. Our daughters are now in their early 20s and they have known nothing but war and occupation in the ME for their entire lives. I havent yet watched President Obamas speech from last night, but based on news reports and what I know of the region, the escalation may lead, temporarily, to more stability, but it is unlikely to lead to a long term solution. Furthermore, it is unlikely to lead to more safety at home. The US is still struggling with its self-image. Are we the police of the world? A fading colonial power? Innocent victims of terror? We just dont seem to know. But this much should be clear: we do not have the power, politically or militarily, to rid the world of terrorists. For every one we kill, a new one pops up, incensed over the collateral killing of civilians. I dont know all of the answers and anyone who claims to is a fool. But it seems to me that our approach needs to be multi-pronged: When military force is used, it must be as targeted and narrow as possible and have clearly defined and measurable goals. More importantly, we need a more thoughtful and balanced approach toward our ME neighbors, one that puts our national security and regional stability ahead of domestic politics.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 14:23:55 +0000

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