I was feeling really swell this year! For the first year in my - TopicsExpress


I was feeling really swell this year! For the first year in my history of Facebook, I didnt have to set any parents straight on the validity of school supply lists. I thought to myself that I must have finally weeded out all of those people. It was a good thing. The beginning of school is very stressful and the last thing I ever need is to have to try and explain why buying Crayola and Fiskar really does save you money and your child frustration in the long run. It was all good until I logged on this afternoon and saw this dang article ranking Alabama #49 with my husbands home state #50. Then I got frustrated with myself for even reading it. Are MS & AL ever going to be ranked high in anything favorable? People, let me break the news to you that the answer is not likely. Then I got more irritated when I saw the number of people who had shared it with their comments ranging from we need to move to I knew it all along. Because public education is my business, I take these kinds of comments (right or wrong) pretty seriously. Most teachers pour their heart and soul into what they invest in their students. Most teachers work about 50 hours per week in the weeks leading up to the beginning of school OFF THE CLOCK and in Alabama (since we have no money) without air conditioning. How many of you would be willing to do that? Be honest! I could rant and rave until the cows came home about how hard teachers work, how much we love our children and it would be the same old tune to most of you that would go in one ear and out the other. In my years of graduate and post graduate school, I have read enough research articles to fill an Olympic size swimming pool and 95% dont change the world in their findings because of the biases, selections and credibility of sources. I wont take the time to scrutinize the validity of this article because in the end what they report doesnt change anything that I know for a fact. And the fact is this, it doesnt matter which state you reside in, there are good and bad school systems in all of them. I come from a long line of teachers. And I believe I know as well as anyone what it takes to make children successful. It doesnt start with ANY school system. It starts with parents. Young parents, old parents, poor parents, not so poor parents...it doesnt matter too much. The parents that almost always have children that do well in school are the ones who know that they are their childs first teacher and they take that role VERY SERIOUSLY! I have taught children who had parents with mental handicaps. The most heart wrenching conferences of my profession have been those where the parents tearfully, yet powerfully tell me that they dont want their child to be like them. And they look to me, as the teacher, as a life vest to save their child from poverty, etc. It is hard for them to understand that I want their children to be as passionate as they are about education. That type of passion always leads to success. It always amazes me at how bright those children are and they have what counts most a LOVE and a VALUE in learning. And their parents have instilled a huge respect and value in teachers. They didnt get that from me, they got that from their parents long before they ever darkened the door of my classroom. It all boils down to attitude. Attitude of parents and attitudes of teachers become the attitudes of children. Remember the little train that could? If you think you can, YOU CAN! You likely think that my children have always had the best teachers and the best experiences and that I dont know your story. You would be wrong. Will says my expectations of my childrens teachers are too high and unrealistic. Maybe so. Even with those standards. Out of two children and 18 collective teachers, only 2 were not up to an acceptable standard to me. There just arent that many bad teachers out there...yes, even in Alabama. Think about it this way, if the Alabama and Mississippi schools were so bad, how can we have so many highly intelligent and successful individuals that were educated in those states? The point is this: ATTITUDE and VALUE/SUPPORT of education. Every state and every school system has problems. It doesnt matter where you live or where your child goes to school. There are good and not so good teachers everywhere. The difference is made in you as a parent. You set the tone; you lay the foundation. A good teacher is just icing on the cake. If a child doesnt want to learn or isnt encouraged to learn, it doesnt matter who the teacher is or what they do. Does the timing of the release of this article ring a bell within you? It is the beginning of the school year. If this got you second guessing your childs teacher already or having a negative opinion of the school system where your child is educated, then give them a point. They won and you, my friend, lost. Or I should I say, your child lost. 😢 Perk up! Get to know your childs teacher, get involved the best you can and become a cheerleader for your child having an awesome year in school. And PS, dont ever miss an opportunity to tell your childs teacher how much you appreciate and value them. Every one needs a pat on the back. Dont focus on the negative - focus on the positive! There is A LOT OF GREAT LEARNING GOING ON in Alabama (and Mississippi too). Be excited! I am! It is going to be a great year!!!
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 21:48:54 +0000

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