I was gonna tag all my family in this but some dont have fb and so - TopicsExpress


I was gonna tag all my family in this but some dont have fb and so it wldnt matter cuz maybe other ppl need to see this. Today I lost respect for someone I held dear in my heart. When someone we all love passes to the other side, we dont treat our family like this. We come together. And no Im not talkin about my dad being passed. If he were here you all know he wld be disappointed in the actions and words that have been thrown at each other. When a soul is gone, and such a loved soul, our safe haven, our heart, our world feels upside down. If we all turn on each other or talk smack behind each other what do you think she wld say to us all.. I did not raise you to fight that was the one thing that she didnt allow. And now we wanna fight and be mean to each other? How is that what we learned? Yes we all have flaws but what happened to turning the other cheek or forgive and forget? We all should be coming together as one not taking lil hits at each other and see who can cause the most destruction. What the hell and yes I cursed what the hell is wrong with all of us? I mean seriously we should be closer not tearing apart what she built. Im ashamed that we as a whole family people that beat the same blood cant just be what we need to be. Im sick of the hurt that we cause each other and some cause without remorse. What is this? We are all of one. I know i wasnt raised to not be a family when times get tough... u dont turn on each other we should have support for each other. Especially brothers sisters and cousins. So look in the mirror have u let her light go out on u? Cuz only u can let that happen. Ya we all have our own screw ups. Ya know so does everyone else in this world so if u wanna be ugly and hurtful dont bring it to my door step. Cuz no more will I allow it! You take ur devil and lye with it. Cuz I will not allow it anymore. I will call u out on it. I cld call some out now so see this, and take warning cuz I will not listen to it. I will not say that Im innocent none of us are that wld make us perfect and by far we are not. I cant say anymore but the lil family feud thats going on its time it STOPPED! Now is as good of time as any!
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 02:23:28 +0000

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