I was in a mentally-draining, all-day meeting today at work when, - TopicsExpress


I was in a mentally-draining, all-day meeting today at work when, out of the blue, during a break, the person sitting next to me, Reggie, said, So, Darrell, I understand youre in seminary. and I said, Yeah, I am; at Princeton. He then said, Well, do you mind if I ask you a question? to which I said, Sure, go right ahead. Reggie said, I have this pastor who believes in pre-Adamism, (the belief that there were people on earth prior to the biblical account of the creation of Adam in Genesis 1:26-27) and Id like to know what you think about it. Ive never read the Bible from cover-to-cover, so Im searching, you know? To make a long story short, Reggie and I spoke for the entirety of the break - 20 minutes - and I was able to explain to him the heresy of pre-Adamism through the framework of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how, in the context of biblical typology, Jesus is compared to Adam in order to present to us a contrast between the natural and the spiritual (Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:41-49). My point to Reggie was that it was Adam - the first human being - not anyone else, who was the apostle Pauls point of human origin in the above-referenced passage. Now, I dont post this to get into a theological discourse about pre-Adamism, so I dont want to go there, okay? The only reason I share this is to encourage those of you who belong to the Lord to, as the Bible commands, be ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence. (1 Peter 3:15) We need to be ready because you just never know when the Holy Spirit will want to use you to share the truth of the Gospel with someone who is lost.
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 22:45:42 +0000

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