I was informed by one of my racers that through their observations - TopicsExpress


I was informed by one of my racers that through their observations are folks in the US dont like or take the time to read, nor do they like being taught. I also noted on the news, our top officers of a certain party claimed most of the US voters stupid or lazy? A good 48% didnt vote here in Boise, ID? I just pointed out a few days ago on FB about a certain Ph.D. from MIT who made observation and took a chair of a Science Dept. in Germany. She noted a lack of discipline that she didnt care to persuade deaf ears. This morning, I was listening to NPR and the concerns about the US reading standards. You shape others behavior when you teach them what they can get away with and what they cannot. The worst thing you could do is make a lot of noise about changing things, only to revert to the old, familiar, destructive patterns. To talk about change, or to write about it and not to do it is to teach that person to treat your statements and declarations lightly. Here we go..., some arent aware of the laws of achievement. If you cant talk to a free spirit horse, knowing it cant read, if it could, it chooses not, dont expect it to pull the load when make when things get tough, requiring great determination or effort... Proverb I: You can lead (or take) a horse to water but you cant make him drink proverb you can give someone an opportunity, but you cant force them to take it. Proverb II: The player on the field, no matter how good they think they are cant see or know all... With most, there is a coach on the side line, a play caller up in the stadium, the staff and each staff member is a spoke to the wheel. Support staff A coach, particularly in a professional league, is usually supported by one or more assistant coaches and specialist support staff. The staff may include coordinators, strength and fitness specialists, and trainers. In elite sport, the role of nutritionists, biomechanists and physiotherapists will all become critical to the overall long-term success of a coach and athlete. Teamwork truly allows you to do more with less. With true teamwork, you need fewer people and fewer resources to achieve phenomenal outcomes. We’ve proved it over and over. This phenomenon is called “Synergy” – but what is synergy? Synergy is one of the most beneficial outcomes of teamwork. Yet few people know how to achieve it. Every time we talk of exercise we’ll speak of how you can achieve synergy. Then we’ll ask the attendees to define what synergy is. Thats where things get rough... Few people know the answer. No matter if the audience consists of construction workers, health care professionals, engineers or scientists; very few people know what synergy is, let alone how to achieve it. Its the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects. Often a synergism becomes a issue from the support staff, as one coach (nutritionists, fitness specialists) might have a different ideology, not seeing it a certain way, not willing to cooperate, or just wants total control of their audience. For that, Im grateful for one of the best coaches I know, her name is Kendra Wenzel. Kendra has been coaching elite and beginning bike racers since 1994 when she helped found Wenzel Coaching. She trains racers as well as coaches and also focuses on writing articles for all levels of athletes. Where your relationship standards are concerned, who best knows what branch, commit to yourself that, although it may be difficult to effect change, you must not compromise. To compromise in this area is to sell out your most precious commodity: you. Even NASCAR has a pit crew and many times that pit crew, working in synergy affects the racers success or failure. Kinematics - is a branch of mechanics concerned with the motion of objects without reference to the forces that cause the motion (i.e. pre-load, un-load, tension). Compare with dynamics. This type of mechanics, or biomechanical interest as it represents, together with ligament and the motions like twisting, the spring ligament, one of the main structures maintaining the integrity of the foot, which serves also as an important energy-storing mechanism. The compression, shearing, and tension are next to impossible to be noted, yet their energy-storing mechanism affect the pecking order. The audience who attends moves up... True teams want to be the best they can be and “win” so they find out how to work better, smarter, faster. They do this by emphasizing and practicing 3 of the 5 Laws of Achievement: 1) The Law of Perspective where they create a mindset that causes individuals to truly work together, and 2) The Law of Efficiency where they create and use efficiency systems and 3) The Law of Growth where they continuously learn and improve. I often use life illustrations to teach people how to be successful. Over the years, I share to the audiences that when you hitch 2 horses to the same wagon you get more pulling power than adding what the 2 horses could pull separately. I didn’t do any literal testing or calculations, I knew this intuitively. The key is having the 2 horses or more horses pulling in the same direction... That takes the horses knowing what the other is best at... Thats why I like about Kendra, shes learn how to drive her horses and I thankful she sends her top horses my way...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 16:18:08 +0000

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