I was pondering this how the Lord gives us new information that - TopicsExpress


I was pondering this how the Lord gives us new information that would be useful in our life time and I discouraged this in my mind~ He gives us this new information if we are prepared to look for it ~ Seek and ye shall find it is written~!!! and in the medium he believes those that need the truth can find it and understand it ~ It occurred to me in a deep sleep it seems I am not sure but I came to to learn much of the difficulties this world faces are to do with blood and water ... It repeated in my mind over and over again....... its in the blood.....its in the blood its in the blood.... if the blood is defiled so be the man~!!! perhaps even makes him evil~!! or contaminated~!!! Is this why Yshua died to cleanse our blood by the spilling of his own pure undefined life blood~!!!! If your blood gets tainted by interbreeding across the colour lines spiritually speaking and literally~! It is not a racist thing it be a God ordained purity thing because then there is chance of Fallen angel/ Demon blood infecting one just as as before the Great Flood..... Notice how God lead Both Isaac, and Jacob miles and miles back to Laban to find wives not from the Canaanites~! Aye as they we infected by this demon blood and so were corrupted beings~!! Water used wash cleanse the world of this tainted Blood, and was reborn again though the pure blood of Noah~!! Now it is said that the Fallen Angel entered this terrestrial plane to do the same~! Infect the blood of man so that Jesus could not be born pure human but a cross bred this would have disqualified him from been able to redeem us with a PURE BLOOD SACRIFICE which was the only way to say humanity~! The question how many of us on earth to day are infected with demon blood and what impact dose this have on the outcome in the end~!!??? The Ancient Israelites we commanded by got to kill all of certain tribes because they we not 100% human and were destroying the earth~! I believe there are those that have this same tainted blood flowing through them to day and are the one that frustrate the will of God on earth~!! We just cannot recognize them so easy as we ourselves have drifted for the our Creator as times have past~! Anyhoo I just thought I would share this with you ~ Be blessed and walk with God, for He alone can protect and deliver us from whats to come now~!!! Shalom Spatan
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 11:33:11 +0000

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