I was reading a Psalm today. This thought dawned on me: Although - TopicsExpress


I was reading a Psalm today. This thought dawned on me: Although David was referred to as a man after Gods own heart, He mainly refers to God as King, Lord: someone to stand in awe of, someone to fear, either an ally or a foe. When I need to talk to God, I say Father? And always, theres a response Im here. I am not referred to as someone after Gods own heart and yet He has given me the privilege to refer to Him with such an intimate name. You know, in movies with royals every time the prince or princess refers to the King as Father, ears perk up, because everyone knows something important is about to happen in the story. I just cant express the awe I feel when I think that God gives me, a nobody, lower than a slave in a kings household, the privilege to walk into His throne room ANYTIME I want. And all I have to say is Father and His attention is mine. Think about it folks. Who are you? David at one point referred to himself as a flea on a dead dog. This was one of the greatest kings that God set up in the earth. So, if he was a flea. What are you? What am I? A parasite on the flea on a dead dog? And yet you and I CAN say Father. MIND BLOWING!!!! All I can say is Thank you Jesus. You and I have the opportunity to call the Creator, the King, Lord, Savior and God Father only because of this- Romans 8:9-17. I encourage you to look it up. Really think on what it means to say Father. Then, say it. Say His intimate name. Say Father. If you have given your life to Jesus, if you believe that He is the Son of God, if you trust Hes taken Gods wrath for your sins upon Himself, you now have the right that even King David himself did not enjoy. Rejoice, Parasites, Rejoice!!! I know I am rejoicing!! :))))
Posted on: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 15:39:12 +0000

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