I was reminiscing when I was sharing with Kip Kinkel , a 16 years - TopicsExpress


I was reminiscing when I was sharing with Kip Kinkel , a 16 years ago young man at the Lane County Jail after he shot his parents and 25 students at Thurston HS. I shared a story with him and he listened intently. A vey rich hardworking father and his loving son use to love very expensive artwork, so they assembled their own private art gallery. They would go together to several auctions and buy special oil paintings that they both loved and they were very close. One day when the mans son was 18 years old and the Vietnam war was going strong, he told his father that he had signed up to fight for this country and go to Vietnam, His father was very proud of his son but was sad that he would be away. They would communicate often through letters and once in awhile a phone call. The father hadnt heard from his son for a couple weeks and soon an official car pulled up the driveway and two officers informed the man that his son had died in the service of his country. The father was so sad, but would find solitude in the private gallery that they had built together. A few weeks later, anther vehicle came up his driveway and one young man came to the door. He said, sir you dont know me but I fought next to your son in Vietnam and I know he loved you very much and he told me about your love for art. Your son saved my life, in fact I was shot and he went and carried me out on his back, then he went back to get our other friend and thats when he was killed, he was a very heroic man and you raised a very special son. I would not be here if it wasnt for him and Im a fledgling artist, so I painted this picture as I remembered your son. As the father looked at the picture, he saw that the picture was very primitive and amateur, but he recognized his son and offered to buy the picture. The young man said that the painting was made for him and thanked him for his wonderful son. The father had the painting of the Son framed up and he put it right up front in the gallery where they would sit and drink tea and talk about the artwork with his son. Soon the father passed away and a major art auction was setup and people came from all over the world to bid on the great pieces of art. The day came and the auction hall was packed full of potential customers. The auctioneer brings out the first picture which was of the son, announces that the picture is called The Son and who wants to start the bid at $5000, 2000, 1000? A man from the front row calls out please remove that picture and lets get on with the reason we are all here! The auctioneer calls out will anyone place a bid on this painting? From the back of the room a man calls out and says that he was the gardener at the owners house and his son was my friend and the picture was of the son. I would like to buy the picture for myself but he only had $100. The auctioneer calls out is there any more bids? Another man calls out, Give him the painting so we can bid on the artwork we came all this way to bid on. The auctioneer calls out, going once, twice, SOLD! Well that concludes this auction, thank you for coming. The irate crowd goes ballistic, what are you doing we came for the artwork you advertised for the auction. The auctioneer said well according to the owner in his will, he stated that Whoever gets the The Son, get it all. I hope you understand this story, whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved and gets it all as we are adopted into the family of God because of His Son Jesus!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 01:29:36 +0000

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