I was sent on a mission by the Rebbe to spread what he, the - TopicsExpress


I was sent on a mission by the Rebbe to spread what he, the Lubavitcher Rebbe, once quoted: It is a great Mitzvah and a sacred obligation for everyone to publicize the following words and relate them to every one of our Jewish [brethren] serving in the army, navy, or Air Force. Our sages state: Everyone who puts on Tefillin will live a long life Brethren of the army! Be careful to put on Tefillin every weekday. If it is impossible for a soldier to put on Tefillin in the morning, he may put them on in the afternoon. As long as it is before sunset. This is the mystic medium through which G-d will bring you back to your homes in peace. Be careful in your observance to the mitzvot and, in particular, in your observance to this mitzva; encourage all of your friends to do the same. As the new year approaches, we wish you a good and sweet year, one in which speedily wickedness will be annihilated in smoke, the new year and its blessings will begin, and you will return to your homes healthy and uninjured, having distinguished yourselves as Jews and as Americans. May we all, together with our brethren, the entire Jewish people, merit the ultimate Redemption to be led by Mashiach, speedily in our days. May you be inscribed for a good year!
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 15:44:47 +0000

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