I was sitting here at my computer, remembering Christmass past. - TopicsExpress


I was sitting here at my computer, remembering Christmass past. Most of them happy. Just one sad one. My grandma Mae Hill passed away on Christmas eve in 1973. I was a Sr. going to school in Claremore, Oklahoma. Then dad sent me to Wetumka to help my grandpa take care of my grandma. Mostly to take care of my grandpa, my grandma did every single thing for him. Id go sit with my grandma at the hospital so that my grandpa could come home and rest. I loved my grandma so much, she did a lot for me and my sister Hazel. She would sew dresses for us, she didnt even need a pattern to go by. We would show her dressed that we liked in the stores. Then wed go to the fabric store and pick out material. She had an old Singer sewing machine, the kind with the foot pedal. Shed just be making that sewing machine go whiiiiiiiiiiirrrrr!! The next day Hazel and I would have a new dress to wear. She taught me how to cook, shes the one that showed me how to make biscuits. She taught me how to cook wild onions, and other Creek foods. She taught me a lot about love. Because she wasnt my blood grandmother. My dads birth mother passé away when he was a little boy. Grandpa remarried and the woman he married was a white woman. I loved her so much that it never dawned on me that we werent blood related. I never even noticed that she was white. All I knew was that she was my grandma and she loved me. I loved her too. Then one day all of a sudden when I was in the 9th grade, I was watching her move around the house with her daily chores. She saw me watching her and smiled at me. Why are you staring at me, she asked. I just told her, no reason. Just watching and learning. Just that little comment made her happy. She walked over and hugged me tight and kissed me.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 18:59:50 +0000

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