I was so tired when I went to bed at 10 pm, late for me, last - TopicsExpress


I was so tired when I went to bed at 10 pm, late for me, last night I was sure I would sleep through the night. At 3:14 am I sat straight up in bed and cursed the fact that once again my morning started in the middle of the night. I had no idea why I was awake, I did not want to be, my bladder alarm was not sounding so I sat in the dark and fumed for a few seconds..... UNTIL....What was that?, I listened again, turned on the bed light and jumped out of bed and started counting heads. Most of the pups in their floor beds looked up with squinty eyes like AHHH CRAP Mom it is too early and then I heard it again a low pitiful moan. Another quick identifying search and I realized Ziva, Estelle, Julianna, James Patrick, Frodo, Brodie, Trudy, and Sophia, yes that makes 8 if you are counting, we all tucked in their beds and that left Allister missing. On my hands and knees I searched under the bed straining to hear that moan again and finally there it was. I crawled into the back of my open walk in closet to find tiny under 2 pound Allister flat out, stiff, and cold. Sugar drop again!!!! Crap and he ate a big mel before he wnet to bed and had food in front of him,. I rushed him into the kitchen started running warm water, searched for the karo syrup, with one hand while I stimulated my comatose pup with the other. Where the heck did I put that karo the last time he did this. Obliviously not where it should be so that cost me a few precious seconds. The entire time I am praying and talking to Allistair, Come on buddy your can do it hang in there with me. Nothing Like going from deep sleep to emergency action in about 2 minutes. My heart was racing like I had been running a mile. Found the karo started giving him small anounts on his gums unit I saw a swallow reflex. The came the warmed baby food and more karo, a warm bath none of which he was really aware of at this time. Then lots of rubbing and stimulating, more food, food, food and prayers, prayers and prayers. He is now at 7:44 am sitting up pretty perky, ate some puppy food on his own, wagging his tail but still a little effected. My dear Lord in Heaven this little 2 pound puppy is going to be the death of me yet. If in saving him I do go meet my maker I hope someone will step up as I think this doll baby will be high maintenance his entire life. So it is now time for my normal insane day to start, actually i am about 2 hours late getting it started. Allistar is comfortable resting in his bed with food under his nose and water and his best buddy Estele and I am on my knees tired trying to figure out how to make my feet work, LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT come on girl you can do it only 14 hours of non stop work unit you can lay down and try again. YIKES Dear Lord thank you for the angel who shook me awake this morning, and please give me the strength to just keep going today.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 11:59:01 +0000

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