“I was very disappointed that the president did not mention the - TopicsExpress


“I was very disappointed that the president did not mention the Free Syrian Army and our moral and material assistance for them, which is required. I think they do feel that they are being abandoned and I feel badly, very badly for my friends in the Free Syrian Army today.” Sen. John McCain said. Really Mr McCain ? Your so called friends are murdering people and cutting their heads off including women and babies , murdering soldiers who surrender to them and making good Muslims look very bad with their actions. Not to mention that funding the Free Syrian Army who have sided with Al Qaeda whom the United States is at war with is flat out TREASON . You Mr McCain , Obama and all the rest who are pushing to bomb Syria and continue to fund the ENEMIES of The United States will have a lot to answer from WE THE PEOPLE. This government does Not care what the American people want , do they not know that they work for us and we do NOT work for them ? For far to long we have let you get away with all the evils you have done in the name of the America , it is time that we as Americans put aside our petty differences and stand up as one nation and take back the government from the corrupt politicians and hold them ALL accountable for every single action that has harmed our once great nation . And to those who sit by and say nothing or do nothing you are as guilty as the ones who are starting all of our troubles because YOU did NOT and do NOT care enough to even speak out against those in power who abuse it . Just as the last days of the Roma Empire with it`s gladiator games to keep people from seeing what was really going on we now have our own version of gladiator games , Sports teams , so called reality tv shows , major news like CNN , FOX , MSMBC which are controlled by the government falsifying news stories to keep you in the dark about what is really going on. Homeland security is gearing up with military equipment and billions of rounds of ammo , now who do you think that is going to be used on ? WE THE PEOPLE that`s who . Let`s not forget all the fusion centers around the country who collect information on any one they deem a threat . And if you think this government would never stage terrorist attacks on American soil think again they would and have done it already go look up OPERATION NORTHWOODS then tell me I don`t know what I`m talking about . The United States IS a Police State where the police brutalize the very people they once swore to protect . How many time on our local news do we hear about police brutality and the punishment they get for violating public trust which amounts to a paid vacation while they look into him/her actions . Now in some states it`s illegal to be homeless such as in a South Carolina town where the police post notices telling shop owners and any one who sees a homeless people to call the police so they can take them to a fenced in camp outside of town where they also drop off released inmates from the local prisons . Once in the camp you can not leave you have some place to go such as a relatives home. rounding up homeless people and placing them in the camp is the same as being put in a prison . You can go to jail for feeding , clothing and just trying to make some one less fortunate then yourself is also a crime . This Country , it`s people and government need to learn what compassion is for another human being . If you think nothing is wrong with whats going on these days then by all means ignore every thing I post and unfriend me if you don`t want to hear what I have to say because I for one can not sit here and not at lest say something , for me to do otherwise is to betray my morals and beliefs . "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 06:16:15 +0000

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