I was wrong about the internet connection now being stable, in - TopicsExpress


I was wrong about the internet connection now being stable, in truth it is working when and if it feels like it, almost as if it has a life of its own and somedays it just cannot be bothered. Im betting you have days like that too, we all do. It is usually a sign that the things you routinely conspire to acheive each day are unfullfilling and that life is asking you to take charge and overhaul your daily intent. Your life has a purpose, a reason for being and the most important purpose you can assign to it, is joy. So if you cannot be bothered today then ask yourself if its because the thing you cant be bothered to do is actually joyfull. I spent all of yesterday helping my mum with spring cleaning, (well to be fair I did the spring cleaning and tasked mum with keeping me supplied with cups of tea as she has just passed her 77th birthday earlier in the week and the events surrounding it have wiped her out... she can be bothered but doesnt have the physical capability to keep up with what she can be bothered to do... Im reliably informed that that is the sole purpose of having a daughter!), I had a wonderful time clearing out not just the dust and clutter, but also the old stagnant energies that have accumalated over the winter. The day was so far removed from my routine that although I was exhausted by the end of the day I had thouroughly enjoyed it. Moving and releasing old energy is important in every area of your life and sometimes when you are ready, life throws up multiple opportunities to do so. It may have been apparent for some time that these opportunities have been arising in one form or another and you have kind of noticed and asked yourself if it was a coincidence but not really given much credence to its importance. My past has been turning up on multiple levels for a while now and has asked on every occasion How do you feel? Do you want to keep me? Am I still important? What issues do I throw up for you? How did I show up last time? How did we leave things? All valid questions as to whether or not you actually want to revisit the past, hold onto it or let it go. There are niggling voices saying dont forget your history, you roots, where you came from, but these are just fears related to changing your tribe and your perspective. Some of my past still fits me like a glove, it accepts me unconditionally and inspires me everyday to be bothered and to be better, some of my past though, judges me on its own merits and not on mine and is so far removed from who I am, what I teach, and the love have to give, it assumes much by outward appearance and packaging and never bothers to to look beneath the surface, it tidies up its own presentation in expectation that i may judge by its own standards and it sees only that which is superficial and mediocre. My past sees from its own perspective and I see from mine. Our combined and yet individual experience sets us worlds apart and yet we are both truth. I AM God, You are God and God has nothing to prove any more. So how does it make you feel? For me, it makes me feel flat, uninspired and yet it invokes within me compassion. My truth in this situation is simply that I cannot be bothered. I cannot be bothered because in this instance there is no joy in revisiting what has long since expired. It was beautiful, necessary and fulfilling in its time and life chose a different road for me and I fully embrace that the road that I have chosen is asking me to lead... would you have me lead you back to where you have been if it no longer inspires you? We look back only to learn and to remember the lessons, bringing them into the now so that we do not have to learn them again. Release the past and bless it. Recognise that it too has its own truth even if it differs from yours and as you look toward the future... be bothered. This my dear Grail Knights is the combination of Principles creating energy flow for the spring season... I AM God I AM Detached I AM Human I AM Truth I AM Liberated I AM Self-Full I AM Open-Hearted Yes, all 7, the Whole-ly Grail. If you are interested in exploring the Principles of The Wholly Grail and how it can work for every situation in your life, look out for upcoming offers and workshops that Im putting together for your personal internal spring clean, running throughout April and May. Love Jo x
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 13:04:18 +0000

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