I watched President Obamas State of the Union address, and read - TopicsExpress


I watched President Obamas State of the Union address, and read the transcript at the same time. That helps me take it in, avoids watching the teleprompter swivel head that is irritating, and allows me to catch ad-libs (which were pretty good). The last 1/3 of the speech was serious and good - especially the heartfelt tribute to the Army Ranger who was injured on his tenth deployment. Good discussion of Afghanistan and Iran. The first two thirds of the speech were unserious, delusional, and unicorns-and-rainbows level of pandering. Pander, pander, pander down the list of leftist hot buttons. Yikes. We have a monster debt, the lowest labor force participation since Carter, and an imploding rollout of a healthcare transformation. You wouldnt know it from this State of the Union speech. The state of the union is strained and fractured and polarized. This speech needed to demonstrate leadership. It was small ball pandering. Jonah Goldberg at NRO hit the nail on his analysis of the ObamaCare portion of the speech: His defense of Obamacare was short and almost perfunctory. I did find his mocking of GOP alternatives nothing less than galling. “So again, if you have specific plans to cut costs, cover more people, and increase choice – tell America what you’d do differently. Let’s see if the numbers add up.” First of all, there are plenty of GOP ideas out there, which he’s been ignoring for years. Second, and more important, the smug insinuation that the math and the serious ideas are all on his side is absurd. None of Obamacare’s numbers have added up as it has thrown American healthcare into chaos. A little humility — or maybe some generosity towards his critics – would have been well-advised. Given the disaster of Obamacare’s implementation and the extent of his dishnoesty in getting it passed, he’s lost the right to mock the GOP about the unseriousness of their healthcare ideas. nationalreview/corner/369735/im-starting-forget-it-already-jonah-goldberg
Posted on: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 04:23:22 +0000

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