I watched The Five the other day and was disappointed to see that - TopicsExpress


I watched The Five the other day and was disappointed to see that you fell into Bob Beckels trap; you walked right into it! Beckel is a cheap shot artist and a Democrat operative. Whatever advice he gives us, do the opposite! You agreed with Beckel that ... it would be a mistake for Republicans to make Obama Care the main campaign issue. If that is a losing issue for Republicans, why would a Democrat (Beckel, Pelosi, etc.) warn us against using it. If the Democrats really believed it, they would not say anything and let us lose. Beware of Democrats giving Republicans advice on how to win elections. David Jolly sunk Sink by using Obama Care against her. Fix Obama Care was Sinks line and it LOST! The slogan that we will fix Obama Care is a loser for Republicans and a winner for Democrats because it
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 12:55:16 +0000

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