I watched again today the videos of the protest pro and against - TopicsExpress


I watched again today the videos of the protest pro and against the busing of those that have entered the country illegally to different areas of the United States and have read the post of many of my friends that feel that we owe this people free and unfettered entrance to the United States. Okay let me tell you what offends me- from the side against it- let the children be placed in adequate facilities- this is not been done they are in makeshift facilities when I know well the goverment is able to do better, frame your opposition not on the fact they are Latinos but on the facts at hand- that they do pose a public health treat, that the social safety net is unable to sustain such a influx and remain intact and finally that entering any country without consent is illegal. Please do not come with the BS about the Native Americans and the colonist- not the same point in history and basically no parallel- context does matter. To those that are all for it- The argument about charity and compassion -we need to start realizing we as a nation can not heal all the problems of the world, and if this country descends into a economic dead spiral we will no be able to help ANYBODY , ANYWHERE. What is up with the chants el pueblo unido , no sera vencido; So the American people are not part of the people ? Did anybody bother to tell this to your neighbors and co-workers? Why do you think the Mexican or for that matter the flag of any other country has the right to fly above the American flag? Why? You live here, you eat here, you work here , your children receive a education in AMERICAN schools- have not seen a kid yet crossing the border to go to school in Mexico, is usually the other way around by the hundreds. So please have a little humility this is the country that is giving you and opportunity be it good, bad or indifferent not Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras or any other country. La Raza us Latinos fill our mouths to say this but have you ever contemplated what your life would be if you had stayed in your country of origin? I think much different than what is here- that is why so many of this countries depend on the monies send from the Unites States to maintain their economies afloat. We are been manipulated like little puppets- the left has this visceral need to be seen as a savior , the only ones that care for the little people- yes, Pelosi said I wish I could take them home Well did she? How many are been relocated to her district i San Francisco? I can tell you NOT ONE!. The right just gets loud- they are unable to articulate their opposition in terms of the inability to provide for so many, in terms of the public health risk and in terms of the fact that the economy can not sustain this influx of dependent people- this are not the bright and the intelligent- the president keeps taking about these are the poor and unprepared and it will take DECADES to bring them out of property if it ever happens. If I hear one more Latino say we are the ones that pick your fruit, take care of your children and mow your lawns one more time I will scream. What do you want Latinos to be second class citizens by becoming whole class of menial, uneducated workers? Is that the best you believe they can aspire to? Give me a break! Lets close the border- no more illegal entries if we need to park the National Guard or the Army on it so be it! Then lets turn, to offer this people proper facilities, medical care and a speedy process through the immigration courts- based on the PRESENT IMMIGRATION LAWS- all of them not the ones one side or the other side likes, we must do this OPENLY no more secretive BS. No more excuses about they are escaping violence- where do the kids in cities like Chicago and Detroit scape to? Canada? Lets get this done and stop the posturing and grand standing- both sides!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 07:00:47 +0000

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