I watched the TV News report regrading this latest shooting of two - TopicsExpress


I watched the TV News report regrading this latest shooting of two boys (3 & 14 years-old) and the reporters are SO DRAMATIC...however when they interview people in the Community, those peoples responses are the equivalent of simply shaking their heads... thats because ITS NO SURPRISE TO PEOPLE WHO LIVE IN THE AREA THAT THIS SHOOTING HAPPENED!!!!! SO LETS BE REAL... I just moved from Lasalle Avenue all of a week ago after living there for the past 3 years (since arriving in Buffalo)...a NICE AREA...BUT THE CONSTANT SOUND OF GUNSHOTS MAKES THE AREA NOT-SO-NICE. The sound of Gunshots in this area of Buffalo is as normal as hearing the wind blow...AND...the Culprits (the people doing the shooting) are young boys with guns literally running through yards shooting in the air or in the direction of unsuspecting other young people, who may live a few streets over, in an attempt to scare them...and then these shooters run through yards and go back to their own streets just blocks away in the same neighborhood. The fact that this is FUN & GAMES among these young people is EXTREMELY SAD & CONCERNING!!!!! However (without this comment being misinterpreted as an excuse) WHAT IS THERE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE TO DO IN THE INNER CITY??? I ask that question remembering what there was for ME to do growing up in a similar type neighborhood in Rochester, NY (where there is ALSO NOW nothing for young people in that city to do either)... I remember being able to go to the YMCA on ANY GIVEN DAY and play Ping-Pong, Bumper Pool, Regular Pool, Swim, play Basketball, etc... Where have those things gone & WHY... I see CAR AFTER CAR AND PERSON AFTER PERSON PACKED INTO PARKING LOTS AND GOING INTO LOCAL BLACK CHURCHES EVERY SUNDAY... MOST OF WHOM ARE TITHING & GIVING OFFERINGS... THEN YOU HAVE THE QUEST FOR SOMEONE TO PURCHASE THE BUFFALO BILLS FOR MILLIONS OF DOLLARS BASED ON THE URGENT CONCERN TO KEEP THE BILLS IN BUFFALO.... Well HOW ABOUT KEEP THE KIDS IN BUFFALO?????.... ALIVE!!!!!!! This Community needs a SERIOUS WAKE-UP CALL ... THE FEW LITTLE IDIOTS WHO ARE RUNNING AROUND CAUSING HAVOC IN THIS COMMUNITY ARE SUCH AN INSIGNIFICANT NUMBER COMPARED TO THE NUMBER OF DECENT PEOPLE...BUT THE DECENT PEOPLE JUST TURN THEIR HEADS THE OTHER WAY... AND EVENTUALLY WE HAVE MORE YOUNG PEOPLE SHOT AND DYING!!!! WHERE IS THE COMMUNITY CENTER WITH SOMETHING UP-TO-DATE FOR KIDS TO DO??????? WHY ARENT THE CHURCHES AND THE SAME PEOPLE WITH ENOUGH MONEY TO BUILD STADIUMS AND KEEP THE BILLS IN BUFFALO BUILDING A MEDIA CENTER ...OR SOME FACILITY THAT HOUSES ACTIVITIES RELEVANT TO THE TIMES AND REGARDING WHAT YOUNG PEOPLE LIKE TO DO THESE DAYS????? THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF YOUTH VIOLENCE IS SO RIDICULOUS AND CAN BE SO EASILY SOLVED IF THE PEOPLE AND ORGANIZATIONS IN THIS CITY WITH MONEY WOULD INVEST IN OUR YOUTH... INSTEAD OF SOME SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY THAT PAYS PLAYERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS...OR INSTEAD OF CHURCH ORGANIZATIONS WHO COULD STOP BEING SEPARATE AND ALL COME TOGETHER AS ONE...POOL MONIES TOGETHER AND BUILD COMMUNITY CENTERS WHERE KIDS CAN GO AND BE APPROPRIATELY ENTERTAINED BY MEDIA RELATED AND SPORTS ACTIVITIES WHICH ALSO PROVIDE AN ASPECT OF LEARNING & DISCIPLINE WHILE HAVING FUN????? THERE IS NOT A YOUNG PERSON IN THE COMMUNITY WHO WOULD NOT EMBRACE SUCHA FACILITY!!!. IN THE MEANTIME... SOMEONE WHO KNOWS SOMETHING ABOUT THIS RECENT SHOOTING NEEDS TO COME FORWARD AND SPEAK UP IMMEDIATELY!!!!!! THE NUMEBR IS 716-847-2255! (Todd Anderson)
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 13:25:13 +0000

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