I will go into this post knowing full well that I am walking into - TopicsExpress


I will go into this post knowing full well that I am walking into dangerous territory and admittedly, being uninformed from the other side. I will tell you what I know from my perspective and then I will listen to what you might have learned and heard as well. I read Hirsi Alis fascinating, inspiring and somewhat terrifying memoir, Infidel. She is an astonishingly brave woman for escaping the grips of fundamentalist Islam, the religion which mutilated her genitalia and attempted to make her an invisible and uneducated nobody. She defied that fate after escaping to Denmark in her 30s and against all odds becoming a Dutch parliament member! After many death threats for speaking the truth about Islam there, she fled to America where she has become an accomplished best-selling author and feminist activist for womans rights. I remember in her story the way she craved an education as a young girl and how she would sneak books to educate herself, which was of all things, a terrible sin. In her memoir she documents an intimately painful experience with fundamentalist Islam in Nigeria and warns the world in great detail about the the dangers of its radical theology, its motives and the methods by which it is spreading like a virus very quickly around the globe. She became an Atheist ( I cant say I blame her!) and is, by all accounts, a brilliant thinker who simply happens to be an ex-Muslim. with a terrible true story to tell. But she was recently denied her honorary degree by Brandeis University due to them deciding she is an Islamaphobe. I think that is the most ridiculously backward thing I have heard in a long time. That being said, they are a Jewish University and perhaps they are afraid to fan the flames and want to maintain peace in all respects. I can see their view and can respect that. That being said, Columbia University, a similarly elite university, honored Ahmadinejad- a denier of the Holocaust! Not saying they should have- in fact quite the contrary. And there is no comparison! She is telling the truth but is being shut down, he is spouting lies and is allowed to speak! Why is this happening in the world today? I just marvel at this. She went from being an abused nobody under a dark robe with a slit for her eyes to becoming a strikingly beautiful woman and activist for womens rights. She has helped to to fight the dark forces of oppression and fear which weigh heavily still upon the covered heads of countless Islamic girls in countries around the world! But because she speaks openly about the true dangers of radical Islam she is being ostracized by the intellectual community. It is entirely backwards that a woman like her, a feminist, even an African American Atheist feminist of all things, would be ostracized by the liberal intellectual community. There is a big difference between an Islamaphobe and a person telling the truth about a dangerous form of Islam that that needs to be warned against.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 00:43:02 +0000

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