I will not apologize for what I am about to write. I read - TopicsExpress


I will not apologize for what I am about to write. I read everyday how schools are telling their students, (your children and this countrys future) they cant wear shirts with a picture of the American flag, students being told they cant wear an NRA shirt with 2 guns and the words Protect the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms. Now schools are telling students they arent allowed to say the Pledge of Alligence? This country is pushing Amnesty bills to give illegal aliens the right to violate immigration laws and talking about giving illegal aliens financial aide !!! I am not Republican, Democrat, Liberal or Conservative. Morally, Ethically and Constitutionally I stand for what is right for We, the People. I will not support anything for illegal aliens, except deportation. I will not support anyone who tells a student they cant freely express their beliefs, which the U.S. Constitution guarantees, I will not support schools who tell students they cant and arent allowed to recite the Pledge of Alligence. If I am expected, publically, to remove my hat and place my right hand over my heart and sign the National Anthem, then I expect our schools to require students to recite the Pledge of Alliegence, I dont care if it oftens them. We, Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, Brothers and Sisters are the teachers of our Children to be patriotic NOT SCHOOLS !!!! The 2nd Amendment states...A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of the free states, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. I can tell you, as well as, what is shown in the news and in the newspapers lately that more and more people are protecting themselves against home invasions with guns. Now correct me if Im wrong, but isnt that necessary security and isnt that the right of the people to keep and bear arms? So, tell me why is the Federal Govt and State Govt being allowed to infringe that right? Its because the Supreme Court is interpreting the U.S. Constitution to benefit their own personal political beliefs. The Govt shouldnt be threatening legal gun owners with arrest, fines or felony charges if they dont register their guns. Legally Licensed Gun owners have already registered their guns. Hunting licenses, Pistol Licensing Divisions at Police Departments all enter Gun Licenses into a data base that goes to the FBI, ATF, State, and County Govts. The Govt shouldnt be telling me or any legal gun owner how many bullets to have in a clip because a legal licensed gun owner has NEVER committed a mass shooting. ALL THE GUNS INVOLVED IN THE MASS SHOOTING WERE NOT LEGALLY LICENSED GUNS !!!!! The Govt knows that its easier to go after people who have obeyed the law and registered guns, taxes, voter registration, willingly given their fingerprints because paper trails can be followed and people who can be identified by numbers are easier to be harassed. Criminals are criminals because they feel they can operate above the law. How about the Govt goes after gangs, drug dealers and people who are mentally unstable who have illegally obtained guns. THESE PEOPLE ARE THE ONES WHO CAUSE ALL THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION IN SOCIETY AND WHO DESTROY FAMILIES NOT LEGAL GUN OWNERS. LEGAL GUN OWNERS ARE PROTECTING THEMSELVES AGAINST CRIMINALS AND MENTALLY UNSTABLE PEOPLE FROM HOME INVASIONS, HARMING THEIR FAMILIES AND PROTECTING THEMSELVES.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 04:07:14 +0000

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