I will share in depth of what the Lord did for me this weekend. It - TopicsExpress


I will share in depth of what the Lord did for me this weekend. It is a bit personal, but I said it before the Lord has me on here to be an open book. Sharing with you my struggles, and my accomplishments in the Lord. I have nothing to hide, and stand unashamed. However, I once was a wretched individual now I am the righteousness in Christ Jesus. I crusify my flesh daily with its evil longings. In stead I CHOOSE (is not that good news that the Lord has given us the ability to choose!) to live for Christ. I want to share a testimony with you. Last night, I asked the Lord what amount he wants me to sow in the offering. I heard $100.00. I said Lord please confirm this, because this is a lot. I know my husband would not be happy, because he told me not to spend any money during this time. We literally only have one paycheck in the bank at this time. I continued to have the prompting of a hundred dollars in my spirit. I wrote the check out in faith and obedience to Him. When I put the check in the offering, the Spirit of the Lord said I would have 10,000 books sold. I am in the process of writing a book that the Lord gave me. That is a hundred fold! I also have been praying for my children to attend Harvest Preparatory School. I have six children four of which will be attending school next year. I thought of ways to try to make extra money. I heard in my spirit, “Why don’t you believe for your house to be paid off, and you will have the money you need for their school.” Now I took the average cost of a book and times it by 10,000 that would cover the remaining cost of my house. Later, during the service when Elder Germaine’s dad was praying I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “I am taking you to new heights.” At the end of service a man came up to us, and spoke concerning the way we worship. All four of us worship with complete freedom. I was amazed that a person came all the way over to us to tell us how we worship blessed him. He saw the Lord all over us. He could have easily just left with his opinion never to say a word to us, but he stopped to share. He has not been the only one either. In fact, two of my friends received tuition to Valor, because of the way we worship. When I drove home alone the Lord brought, what the man had said back to my mind to point out that the very book I am in the process of writing has to do with Praise and worship!! During the morning service, I asked the Lord what to sow He said “$27.” After lunch, I went for a walk and asked what was significant about $27. The Lord said two is the number of agreement you need it least two to have an agreement, and seven is the number of completion or perfection. Therefore, 27 is perfect agreement. When I got home, I was hesitant about telling my husband about how much I gave. We were talking, and he was sharing with me about a conversation he had with coworkers concerning GIVING. He told me that he needs to study in the word more about giving over and beyond the tithe and offering. I could not believe my ears. The Lord was completely preparing his heart. I then told him what the Lord had said, and what I gave. He was not upset. If anything, I pray his faith was increased! Today a Christian women that was a complete stranger gave me over two hundred and forty dollars worth of children’s bikes and summer toys into my van. I went home and looked up the price of each gift. She said she just wanted to bless my children with a summer Christmas.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 18:39:03 +0000

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