I wish the 80s-early 90s Pistons or Bulls or Celtics could play - TopicsExpress


I wish the 80s-early 90s Pistons or Bulls or Celtics could play todays teams like the Heat. They would mop the floor with them. The Heat and others are wanna be tough guys. Guys back then played every game. The beat people down and played mind games that would exploit teams today and own them. I miss tough basketball...today its wuss basketball...guys acting hurt on several plays a game, crying to refs, and flopping around like fish outta water. Go watch Bad Boys and tell me Im wrong. I didnt care for the Pistons...but I respected them. I hated Jordan but I respected him. Its hard to respect todays teams & players because they taint the game in so many ways. Look, I realize its a different era, but after watching that 30for30 on the Pistons I realize why the NBA fan base has shriveled the past 25 years. Those were TEAMS. Those guys didnt make life altering money and guys played for years before they made as much as say a Dr. They all played hard. They didnt sit out games or rest. Todays players are pansies compared to say a Bill Laimbeer. That dude was an enforcer, always at the middle of most everything, but he missed 1 game in a 9 year stretch...not to mention he played in the post season and played deep into them every year. Chew on that lovers of todays NBA. Watching these playoffs, Im reminded of why my childhood NBA was much better TV than todays NBA. Just think how great it would have been had we had HDTV back then.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Apr 2014 21:35:16 +0000

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