I wont be able to post this on Sunday....but this Sunday the 24th - TopicsExpress


I wont be able to post this on Sunday....but this Sunday the 24th will mark 9 years since that day in 2004. It was the evening before Thanksgiving. I was just getting home from helping my neighbor and began working on dinner. I turned on the 5:00 news. Soon after a breaking story...I can still remember the news anchors exact words, We have the first fatality of the holiday season to report. Our news chopper is flying over the scene just south of Oregon City (OR) on 99E. The report caught my attention as I have family in the area. I ran to the TV to see if I could recognize any vehicles, but all I could see was the flashing lights of all the medical. responders. I remember feeling so sad and thought how horrible for that family of the person who was killed and that their Thanksgiving will never be the same. I continued on with dinner but kept thinking of my sister Shirley. Even calling her cell phone but no answer, but knowing she wouldnt answer it while driving. I went about my evening feeling excited for Thanksgiving the next day. Shirley was hosting it, her first time hosting a holiday. She was so excited and couldnt wait to show me the centerpieces she made. I eventually forgot about the news report of the accident and finally went to bed. But at 12:30 am the phone rang....my heart sank as I knew it had to be something about the fatal car accident I had seen on TV. On the other end of the phone was my other sisters husband Barry. Indeed it was my worst nightmare, the fatality in that accident was indeed my dear sister Shirley. At that moment my world shattered into a million pieces and would never be the same. I ran downstairs screaming her name until I colllasped. I was married at the time and my husband ran to my neighbor friend to help console me. I was loaded into the car where we made the hour drive to Woodburn to be with my sister Sharon and her husband. My parents were serving on a church mission at the time and flew home later the next night. As hours turned into days we learned more about the details of the accident and the injuries my sister sustained. The vehicle that ultimately caused the accident fled the scene only to turn themselves in months later. I share this story as a reminder as to how fragile life is. The last time I spoke to Shirley was the monday before. She invited me to lunch and for the third time I declined. I was just too busy. I sensed her disappointment but promised wed pick a date for lunch on Thanksgiving. Little did I know that was the last opportunity I had to see her. As time continued on my family suffered greatly. But some how we pulled through. For years I carried guilt and anger but last year as a way to honor her memory I let go. I put it to rest and came to terms. As we head into the holidays and you sit down on Thanksgiving with family and friends be thankful for that opportunity and in that moment lose yourself in all you are thankful for. As hard as it is for me and as many painful memories that come back I intend to sit down with a smile on my face and peace in my heart knowing Shirley is sitting right next to me...
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 03:52:35 +0000

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