I work on PRESENT GENERATION FAMILIES FACING PROBLEMS IN THE TRANSITION PHASE OF SOCIETY I promote “TREASURE EXPLORER PACK “specific to target the middle and lower income group of our society . TEP empowers you from the Learning to approach the basics of education , Systematic study planning, Perfect Daily routine for children, Effective parenting , Understanding of emotions in daily life , A platform to organize your homes and more . The tools are a result of more than two decades of focused research. Kindly like my face book page learnnlead and visit learnnlead to know more. We have discovered a sudden universal demand for this product across the world ,so I offer an opportunity to my friends / referral to promote this product in their regions if interested . The product pack is a combo bundled with seven invaluable tools comprising a set of 4books,1audio cd and 2 softwares made affordable even to the lower middle class of our society .The delivery thought process is to have TEP at every home as a medicine for referral whenever required . Any one with a thought for social empowerment could promote this combo. No age and gender bar. Lets educate the present family to refine their children , families and future of India shine brighter.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 06:45:56 +0000

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