I would deliver - Olu Jalade Nigeria has not particularly - TopicsExpress


I would deliver - Olu Jalade Nigeria has not particularly changed since my DEP independent candidacy in 2011 and I am doing this again in 2015 because nothing has changed, it has grown worse. I outlined a lot of our issues and proposed the following; Infrastructures:-No light, No running water, bad roads, our transportation system, the vehicles on our roads are below acceptable standards. How can we become a productive nation without the Essential Elements? Agriculture: Despite the gift of Good land, despite the awesome gift of Rich and fertile land and beautiful weather, despite the immense Human resources and the ability to produce at a cost effective rates, Nigeria still fails to feed the population. Nigeria has non-existing Technology Development. What happens to made in Nigeria Products. Any product at all. Construction Industry: - We build our roads and highways without proper drainage system. Sometimes without any drainage system in place. We build our houses without proper sewer systems. We build beautiful airports, stadiums High Rise building without proper Escape Route (Exit). No plans for its maintenance. We fail to put in place an adequate maintained facility to maintain those structures we already have. We design our farm land without irrigation systems. Nigeria government fails to plan or maybe they simply plan to fail. When for $ 10 Billion, the government can secure uninterrupted power supply; instead our leaders will use all the money to build their own financial Empire. They plan to fail. Nigeria Welfare System: - Nigeria has no welfare system in place to assist our elderly people. The handicap and the under employed people Health Care System: - Nigeria health care system is unhealthy. Our hospitals, especially the University teaching Hospital needs an upgrade. National Security: - Our national security is less than secured. We have the deployment of military personal without the knowledge of the commander in chief. Oil Sector: - Only the few, the elite, the privilege enjoy our nation wealth. The state of our Union is Rotten. Our leaders have failed us. There is problem everywhere. Every sectors of our economy is problematic. There are problems Up North, problems Down South, problems in the East, problems in the South. None of the three arms of our government can be trusted, there is corruption everywhere, there are problems with voting, there are problems in counting our votes and our leader’s refuses to allow our vote to count. There is good news. A Problem situation is only a problem when there is no solution to the problem. Every situation we face in Nigeria can be corrected. Our corruption problems can be corrected. We can fix our transportation problems. We can fix our unemployment problems. We can become a productive nation. We can become a service oriented society. We can fix our human right violations. We can buy unlimited, uninterrupted electric supply and water supply. We can build more roads. We can improve our health care situation. We have solution to all of our problems. So we have no problems, we have several issues facing our nation. We have developed programs to resolve these issues. We can correct all the issues facing our Nation. First we must take our country back. We must wrestle power away from the wicked leaders. But it seems we have mountain in our way. Mountains are things that impede our progress. There is mountain in our ways. There is bribery, embezzlement, economic depression, even our past leadership and corruption in high places. No one can move Aso Rock Mountain This mountain is rough, tough and nasty. Aso Rock Mountain is sitting high above Nigeria. Its majesty is ruthless, dangerous and arrogant. As Rock mountain is bigger than life. It’s so high you can’t climb it. It’s so wide you can’t get around it. It’s so deep you can’t get into the bottom of it. Its physical appearance is so intimidating no one can challenge it. UNTIL TODAY………….. Today, there is good news. The good news is that Aso Rock is not a mountain at all. Aso Rock is simply a MORE HILL. Despite of its dominating physical appearance, if we are united, we can move this MORE HILL. We can climb to the very top of this MORE HILL. Its width is only deceiving, we can go around it and if necessary, we can get to the bottom of its depth. Aso Rock is nothing but a MORE HILL. My Beloved, Because of my deep Love for our country and because I love our people Nigeria, Because Nigeria needs strong leadership, Because Nigeria Deserves God fearing leaders, Because Nigeria must survive as a Nation, Because of the inability of this Administration to protect our national interest and inability to protect the Niger Delta Region, the inability of Jonathan`s Administration to secure our oil fields and prevent the sabotage of our oil fields, because of Jonathan`s failure and inability to provide for and compensate the residents around the oil field regions, Jonathan`s inability to control the militant in the Niger Delta areas. Because this administration and its predecessors have failed to improve the standard of living in Nigeria (Nigeria is a stagnant nation). Because President Jonathan is not committed to bring in the necessary changes to Nigeria and because Jonathan does not seem to posses the ability to unite this Nation and move the country into a Higher position of respectability among other nations of the world. Finally, Because God calls me to serve this thirty six united states of Nigeria, I accept my calling. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a servant unto the Nation”. I WILL RUN FOR THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA. I will contest the 2015 Elections I will serve in love. I will labour in Love. I will serve in Patience. For Patience produces Humility. I will serve this Nation not just to serve in words only,but also in power. Power of the Holy Spirit. I pray for Unity in Nigeria. There should be no geographic zoning of Nigeria. Nigeria is one nation. The Hausa’s, the Fulani’s, the Igbo’s, the Ijaw’s and the Yoruba’s, there should be NO regional deviation. We are one Nation, One People, and One Nigeria. Despite our differences in cultural and religious background, there is no superior ethnic group in Nigeria. Only God is Superior. He is the father of All, He is above all. . So now, with long suffering, forbearing one another in LOVE, we must defend the Unity of Nigeria in the name of PEACE. We must love one another We must show our love one to another Love Does Forgive. Love demand that we forgive one another. Forgiveness set people free. Freedom promotes Unity. Don’t hold anyone hostage because of their past. Forgive and set them free. None of us is righteous. We all have past Histories. How is your Past? What kind of past history do you have? We all have skeleton in our closets. We all have secrets. Suppose your secret has been revealed? Suppose the whole world knows your secret? I thank the Lord Almighty that only he knows my secret. He will not reveal my secret. He will not hold my secret against me. He forgives me of my past mistakes. He saves me and blesses me. Since the Lord forgives me of my past sins, I forgive you my brothers and sisters. So, let pass from passing judgment. Let pass from condemnation to justification. Forgiveness through justification is comprehensive. It covers everything. It covers all sins, past and present. I have nothing against any Nigerian. I have nothing against President Jonathan, noting against President Obasanjo, President Babangida, President Buhari, Senator Tinubu, and Vice President Atiku Abubakar. I have nothing against Dangote, Mike Adenuga, Orji Kalu, Wole Soyinka. I have nothing against any political party. I have nothing against PDP and others as long as they promote free and fair election, freedom and justice for all. Its okay to talk about past. That’s only history. Hopefully, talking about your past will CONVICT you. For without conviction, there is no REPENTANCE. In order for Nigeria to become a great Nation, CHANGE must come to Nigeria. In order for CHANGE to come to Nigeria, Nigerians must be united. You Better Tell Somebody My beloved, CHANGE must come to Nigeria. Change we can see and Feel. We must CHANGE our wicked ways. We must change the way we think and the way we talk. We must vote for change all Nigerians can benefit from. Tell Somebody Change from corrupt leadership to leadership with integrity. Change from imposition of leadership to electing our own leaders. Change from arrogant leadership to servant leadership. We must change from being Unproductive Nation to Become A Productive Nation. We must stop all Human Right Abuses. We must support our Elderly, the Handicap, The Unemployed and the Under-employed. I thank God for calling me. Even though I am less than the least of all the Presidential Candidates, He calls me that I should preach and speak change into our rotten situation in Nigeria. In him I have Boldness and Confidence I will not fear the Evil one for I have prayed my prayer to my God. I have started the work that He has ordered me to do. Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power of God. Glory be unto Him. PROGRAMMES POWER AND WATER SUPPLY These involve new technology and construction. My administration will invest in Nigeria, tap into things we never thought we had, i will bring out the Nigeria in Nigeria, work with the best of the best techic, to make things happen. I am an Industrialist and technologist and truely believe in what we can do. I believe we are blessed with everything we can ever think of and together, we would bring power to Nigeria. Without uninterrupted power and water supply. It’s impossible for Nigeria to be productive nation. Manufacturing factories, agriculture, banking, transportation all depend on constant power and water supply. My administration will achieve this goal within 3yrs. And will sustain. UNEMPLOYMENT Nigeria must eliminate the unemployment problem within three and half year. Unemployment will be a thing of the past. My administration will invest heavily in new construction and maintenance of older structures. We will develop and construct adequate sewer system. Repair existing roads and highways and construct new roads. With four years, all roads in every city within every neighborhood will be tar road. We will do away with muddy roads; we will construct state of the Art gutters and drainage systems to address our flooding problems especially during raining season. We need good roads to support our factory, manufacturing, agriculture and transportation industry. We believe construction can provide employment for 100 million Nigeria for 150 years. MANUFACTURING / FACTORY Today, Nigeria is a Non-productive nation. My administration will transform Nigeria into one of the most productive Nations on earth. We must first ensure constant power and water supply. Then since cost of production is low in Nigeria, we will embark on a massive campaign, public relation to bring production from western world. Nigeria will compete with china in terms of productivity. AGRICULTURE My administration will invest heavily in Agriculture. Agriculture in Nigeria will become mechanized. My administration will assist the local farmer in every aspect of their operation. Nigeria will become one of the best exports of food in the world. We will assist farmers with government grand and loans. TRANSPORTATION There will be a complete rehabilitation of all our existing roads and bridges. We will embark on construction. We need more roads, we need more bridges. We will improve and control the standard of vehicles on our streets. Most vehicles on our street must be condemned. And the owners compensated. We will develop programs that will compensate owners and drives of junks that will voluntarily remove their vehicle from our street. My administration with partnership with the public sector will invest heavily in the Nigeria transportation system. We will introduce larger buses to replace the smaller traditional buses, to help with the congestion in our major cities. Also we shall build railroads both freight and passenger railroads. We will rehabilitate all existing airport and make our air traffic safe again. We will ensure the safety of all our sea ports. EDUCATION There will be free education in Nigeria at all level. The federal government will reveal and increase the salaries of teachers, lectures and professors in other to improve the integrity of the teaching profession. We will encourage our teachers to undergo continued education. All schools, the primary school, the secondary, the college of education, the polytechnic and all universities will be rehabilitated furnished and fully equipped. Educational system in Nigeria will undergo a complete transformation from old to new in the interest of our children and in the interest of our nation. We must begin to invest in the future of our children. We must give our children the assurance of employment after graduation from college. We will introduce the latest technology in our universities. HEALTH CARE Nigeria will provide free health care for our entire citizen that can’t afford to pay. All our teaching Hospitals will be upgraded in every way. Every Nigerian will have asses to medical attention. Those that have medical insurance and those that can’t pay may pay for their medical treatment at affordable fees. All private clinics will have the right to charge reasonable fee for their services. WELFARE SYSTEM My administration will never create a situation whereby our citizens are dependent in the government for their daily living. However, my administration will develop programs to full care for our elderly, the handicapped and the unemployed and the underemployed. Our elders will receive free medical benefit and will be entitle to participate in food and housing programs. OIL SECTOR Our oil and Gas sector will be re constituted. The oil companies will be regulated; we will protect our oil shore, oil field and our oil pipeline. We will develop program that will compensate the residence of the oil field regions. We will ensure environmental protection of the Niger-Delta region. We will provide security for the entire region as a Niger delta region is extremely important to our national security. Nigeria`s oil and gas sector is one of the largest in the entire world. The largest in Africa and as a result Nigeria cannot afford to allow the militants to control this region. MILITANTS / TERRORIST My administration will not negotiate with terrorist under no circumstances will my administration reason with any terrorist organization within Nigeria or foreign terrorist. My advice to the militant is that operating in the Niger Delta area is to complete their negotiation with the present administration. My administration will honor all agreement between any ground and this current administration as long as there is peace in the region. My administration will never tolerate any religion terrorism. We will sit down and talk with all this different groups in the Niger Delta area and around Jos. We will attempt to find out what the issues are what their demands are, why they are being rebellious, how the federal government can assist them and bring about a lasting solution to all of their issues. One element must be present. There must be peace, a lasting peace at the end of our negotiation. I have concluded they would be trained and be a part of our military, to further strengthen our security and give them a living. NIGERIA POLICE My administration will eliminate the federal police force and support the creation of state police. We believe that the creation of state police will be instrumental in our fight to eliminate corruption in Nigeria. BRIBERY / CORRUPTION It will become a federal offence to offer a bribe or to accept bribe weather monetary or otherwise. Corruption must come to an end in Nigeria. MY MISSION IS TO BRING CHANGE TO NIGERIA. In order for Nigeria to become a great Nation, CHANGE must come to Nigeria. In order for CHANGE to come to Nigeria, Nigerians must be united. CHANGE must come to Nigeria. Change we can see and Feel. We must CHANGE our wicked ways. We must change the way we think and the way we talk. We must vote for change all Nigerians can benefit from. Change from corrupt leadership to leadership with integrity. Change from imposition of leadership to electing our own leaders. Change from arrogant leadership to servant leadership. We must change from being Unproductive Nation to Become A Productive Nation. We must stop all Human Right Abuses. We must support our Elderly, the Handicap, the Unemployed and the Under-employed. Establish stability and respectability in Nigeria government and stop corruption in the government. After my presidency, I want to leave Nigeria better place than I found it. I want to leave behind a convicted state and safe people. ________________________________________ OLU JALADE PROGRESS FOR PRESIDENT 2015 FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA, TELL SOMEBODY ! APC Progress, APC, change.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:28:00 +0000

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