I would like EVERYONE following the events in the US Senate to pay - TopicsExpress


I would like EVERYONE following the events in the US Senate to pay VERY close attention to the "Cloture" vote that is going to happen on SATURDAY. The Communist Statist, Harry Reid, is going to call for the vote on SATURDAY when, he thinks, NO ONE is looking. Here is the EXTREME Importance of THAT vote: IF the Republicans are united AND they vote AGAINST cloture, Reid does NOT have the votes to force cloture and the Senate MUST continue the debate on defunding Obamacare. IF the Republicans ALLOW cloture, Reid ONLY needs a simple majority vote AND OBAMACARE PASSES. EVEN IF 100% of the Republicans vote AGAINST it, after cloture, it STILL passes. THAT is why Senator Cruz went on a very LONG speech. To STOP Cloture. SO, Take note of EVERY Senator that votes to ALLOW Cloture. These are the ones that are responsible for passing the funding for Obamacare. THESE are the ones that will be responsible for the loss of jobs, YOUR health care costs skyrocketing and the inevitable harm done to the economy. Keep track of their names and make SURE that NOT ONE of them serves ANOTHER day as a public servant by your vote in 2014.
Posted on: Wed, 25 Sep 2013 20:47:55 +0000

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