I would like to explain, for those of you unfamiliar with facebook - TopicsExpress


I would like to explain, for those of you unfamiliar with facebook jail and the joys of censorship, exactly what happens when you report someone for posting an opinion you disagree with or find offensive. First let me tell you what DOESNT happen: If someone is doing something illegal or morally repulsive, such as the young woman who had some equally despicable friend of hers film her while she threw puppies, only weeks old, one by one into the middle of a rushing river, where they disappeared as their pitiful whimpers ceased, and you report the post thinking they will DO something, guess again. They dont track down the original author of the post, dont forward it to the police, and you wont get an e-mail thanking you for bringing it to their attention because they followed the procedures in place to deal with such offensive behavior and caught the culprit-there are no such procedures and they could care less. If you want the culprit caught and punished, share the video with a warning about the content, and ask that everyone who can bear to watch it try to identify the girl, the terrain, anything at all, and maybe someday we will hear that she was found thru the sharing of the post and justice was done. The only procedure facebook has is to restrict or terminate the account of the person who shared the post with you, which will be someone on your friend list Next: If you are offended by an opinion expressed by a friend, and only people YOU accept as friends can post on your page, (though liking a group page can also grant permission for them to post) and you are so outraged by their opinion that your skin crawls at the thought of seeing evidence of it again, simply click on their pic, click unfriend and voila! Youll never see their posts again. If you want to keep the friendship, but not be inundated with political, religious, or gaming posts, hover over their pic, then hover over friends, and uncheck show in news feed and voila! You dont see their posts, and they will never even know it.If you enjoy some of their posts but not others, simply click the little arrow at the top right of the post, then click hide and voila! again. Your eyes will not be forced to look upon something they cant just ignore. If you are entirely unaware of the way facebook operates, and of their political association with the current administration, and the media blackout concerning certain aspects of obamas past and present personal and political life through bribery, threats, and even murder, you are probably one of his supporters and have effectively managed to avoid exposure to negative facts and opinions about him, and you have the right to choose not to have your dream sullied, and I have yet to hear of a single one of his supporters being censored or restricted on facebook for their opinion. So either facebook disregards complaints about the hateful things obama supporters post, even the death threats to all tea party rascists(which is what anyone who disagrees with obama is called regardless of any party affiliation), or the people who dislike obama are all people who believe in the rights granted by the constitution and refuse to condone censorship that violates our freedom of speech. Or maybe they just dont stoop to petty and malicious behavior, take your pick. If you are one of the small-minded, petty people who sees facebook as an opportunity to to get revenge on someone for daring to exercise their right to free speech, which may express an opinion you dont agree with-or worse, a truth you are afraid of-you cant hide behind the I didnt know what would happen excuse unless youve never gone to school and never heard of Nazi Germany and all the good little Germans who said they didnt realize what was really going on. Even if you click the option of allowing your friend to remove the post, YOU HAVE JUST REPORTED YOUR FRIEND FOR OFFENSIVE BEHAVIOR! Now, in pre-obama America this would not be an issue. But in pre-obama America, THIS CENSORSHIP DIDNT EXIST! Before you get all happy with yourself, because you were smart and chose to remain anonymous when you reported offensive behavior instead of letting your friend know who was responsible for the punishment they were given, which is what allowing them to remove the offensive post does, you better think about the marvels of technology. Your friend, if you allow them to let you exercise your newfound method of tyrannical power by forcing outward compliance with YOUR idea of proper thought and behavior (I sure hope youre starting to get the picture), has been entered into a file and if this is the first offense, may get only 3 days restricted access or even no obvious penalty at all. But you BOTH are categorized-your friend as a domestic terrorist as defined by obama, and you as gullible and intolerant of those who deviate from the approved thought processes. Doesnt sound too bad, just means youll do and believe what youre told to do and believe, you can be used successfully in most instances. Your friend, however, is a potential patriot and very dangerous, might cause problems. If you chose anonymity, that means your friend wont know who turned them in, and may not ever figure it out since they will not be told what they did that was offensive, and every post that can be considered patriotic or in disagreement with obama and his policies and goals, if it contains too much truth in a way that might inspire others to start thinking and wondering, if it exposes the truth about Islam, Sharia law, taqqiya, or compares obamas actions successfully to the terrorists he learned from with facts that can be verified, -all posts that were deleted by facebook from my account the weekend of Columbus day, plus more that I cant remember for certain the entire content, but could not be considered offensive- will be deleted and make identifying the complaint or the one responsible nearly impossible. They WILL receive extra attention from NSA and DHS in addition to punishment from facebook of unspecified duration, designated temporary and limiting ability to post, share posts, like or comment on posts, no appeal process granted-you can type a few sentences about why you feel the decision was in error, but you receive no reply or explanation, although after many requests for some idea of my offense I was given the only information they saw fit to gift me with, that my sentence began at 5:28am Pacific, which I guess means almost as soon as they got to the office on Tuesday morning after Columbus day, and was temporary. After a month and a half, that is the only thing Ive been told. Now, whoever got their jollies by doing this bit of dirty work for obama shouldnt be feeling too secure. Theyre safe from me, but they also get put on a list, and its not a nice list, its a list of people who( back in the war with the Nazis, slime like this were called collaborators)are useful and easily manipulated, but never ever to be trusted, and can be controlled by threatening to expose their deeds. So far collaborators havent done too much personal damage, but they make censorship and tyranny so much easier and more efficient, and they are against freedom-of speech, of press, of religion, of choice, and most of all, independent thought. If you are the kind of person who is so desperate to have power over someone or something that you cant pass up the chance to be a mini-tyrant and have someone punished for something that isnt even against the law (yet), you should remember that someday you may say something that someone with the same power or more doesnt like, and it wont matter about your rights either. In the meanwhile, try to grow a spine and if something offends you but isnt against the law, exercise your right not to look at it.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:25:08 +0000

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