I would like to recognize Andrea Berrido for being a real trooper - TopicsExpress


I would like to recognize Andrea Berrido for being a real trooper in enduring a history class so late into her undergraduate career because when I took Modern Eastern European history I wanted to trap myself in quicksand while being eaten alive by disease-ridden hamsters during a category 5 hurricane. Remember, its just words about a bunch of irrelevant SHIT that already happened and for some reason we as a society continue to value it to the point where you can actually make a living studying/teaching it to students who are primarily forced to enroll to fulfill some basic program requirement. Well class, this concludes the semester. Wasnt it interesting to see how the British empire got to where it is now? To recapitulate the significance of this material, Id like to share a quote Im sure most of you hadnt heard before: those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it.... although LOL lets be honest, something as unchangeable as.. well... the past isnt really useful in the practical modern-day sense, but aside from that, its just really really nice to remember! Dont you feel tingly all over? Another good thing is that now you can tell everyone youre a little more cultured; you know, just in case you need to make up for lacking other, more significant, faculties. So yeah, I guess you probably noticed that although my syllabus is very intricate and elaborate, the sole course objective was basically LOL F.Y.I. YOU GUYSSSS, THATS PRETTY MUCH IT LMK IF U NEED HELP and now if youll excuse me, I have an appointment with a fellow PhD historian with whom I enjoy spending most afternoons remembering things like the French Revolution.
Posted on: Thu, 09 Oct 2014 13:27:43 +0000

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