I would like to send a shout out to our Reunion Committee...Mary - TopicsExpress


I would like to send a shout out to our Reunion Committee...Mary Moseley Taylor, Melisa Hohlt, Kena Gipe Ridge, Vincenzo A Vince Williams, Sheila Ford, Charlotte Allen Jordan, Adrienne McCauley, and myself, if I left someone off Im sorry, but these are the ones that gave up one Monday a month for almost a year to plan, organize, put up money, and put together I think a pretty great reunion. And I would like to thank all the ones that came, supported our hard work, and thanked us for doing it. And for the people that had things that came up, vacations that already were planned, and so on I totally understand and the rest of this message doesnt pertain to you...Now, If I can get on my soap box for a minute and speak to all of you. Dont want to offend, but just think some things need to be said. None of us were elected, none of us... I dont think were officers, none of us self appointed ourselves for this task. We all did it because we love each of you. We posted on facebook for everyone to come and help, We asked opinions on cost, places and begged for addresses, and still received a lot of negative feedback and disappointment of how it was handled........from we are having another reunion, yall are racist.....it cost too much.....who put you in charge....and I didnt like those people in high school, why would I want to see them now......All I can say to all of this is REALLY>>>>>>SHAME ON YOU THAT SAID THIS. First from my heart I love everyone of you, God made each of us in his image, and I dont care your shape, color, religion, career path, Relationship preference or status, I care that we are people that were blessed to know each other in school, and we made it thru and cherished that time we had together, or I did anyway........ Now that being said first of all where your money went, because believe me there was none that was left. The Venue, The DJ, The Food, The Decorations, The post office box, The Stamps, The Postcards, the Frames, the checking account, and probably other stuff I cant think of right now. We were not paid for our time, our gas, our worry.....We did it because we love our class and you. Guys I was very happy for the ones that participated , very disheartened by the multitude that didnt attend. Out of a class of over 400 classmates, around 70 showed up.....Super sad. I dont know what the future holds but will continue to pray for each of you and hope that we will have another reunion. Sorry for the rant...... just wanted you to know my heart. Always, Your classmate, Darlene
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:47:41 +0000

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