I would like to thank all yall for being so patient and I - TopicsExpress


I would like to thank all yall for being so patient and I apologize for the delay getting you an update. It’s been over a month. I am sure you are anxiously awaiting some news, I sincerely appreciate the lack of drama that has entered my realm of existence. Although there is not much I am at liberty to discuss, any of you are welcome to contact me with any specific questions/concerns. There is very little new that I have to share with you regarding restoration of the site or the audio stream. Ive been exploring many options about a go FORWARD plan. Ive had some positive discussions to that end, but I have not reached a final solution. I am currently awaiting some additional info and answers from the company we have been doing business with for over a decade. They have promised an update by 3/11 at the latest. At that time there will likely be additional discussions with them before I decide what to do. From my perspective making the right decision is more important then the length of time it takes to reach that decision. There was no quick solution for restoring the site/audio, so the level of urgency to resolve things quickly was less important then finding the best solution for the long run. Although I am sure many of you would have preferred a short term fix to at least restore partial service for things like the Battleboard, time...especially Mikes time is valuable and it is my opinion that our hardcore base membership will continue with us without temporary measures that will distract me, Mike and other key players from the bigger picture. There are still many factors for me to consider before any final decisions can be made and it is unlikely there will be any significant announcements forthcoming. Those of you that have been through the ups and downs of the past few years are well aware of issues that are involved if (and hopefully when) the station is back online. There are also personal issues that I face which wont help towards a speedy resolution. However, although it may be of small comfort to those of you that anxiously await the word that you can return to YOUR home, I am continuing to work as if we will ultimately return. I am continuing to so my usual work behind the scenes as best as I can and most importantly, diligently accumulating new album releases so I am prepared for a relaunch with a full and current compliment of the music that is the root our reason for being. Once last word, lets all hope for a peaceful solution in all of the trouble spots in the world, especially in the Ukraine. The Metal Nation recognizes no political boundaries for we are one under Metal, but let’s hope that the so called World Leaders that are seemingly at odds find the same common bond that unites the members of SnakeNet. As we all know, we are all more alike then our differences make it seem. Thank you all so much for your support now and in the past. I hope you are all doing well. Snake
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 06:33:45 +0000

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