I wouldve enjoyed the cartoon below if only it wasnt filled with - TopicsExpress


I wouldve enjoyed the cartoon below if only it wasnt filled with outright lies and a deception of reality. Goldman Sachs, Walmart, Enron, Chevron and any other Gigantic corporation that has off shored profits, investments or outsourced American industry to china or elsewhere and is looking for cover stories for why people are living on food stamps would be ecstatic and proud of that video. Because it conceals the reality with the delusion that poor people like being poor and getting handouts is their preferred way of living. Overlooking the psychological anxiety and rage that exists in those whose livelihoods have been destroyed by circumstance and lack of employment. As opposed to the reality which is that the almost total deregulation of Commercial and Industrial law in America over the last 35 years has allowed the 1% sector who own the major corporations to relocate entire manufacturing and industrial bases overseas. Leaving millions of people unemployed. People who grew up in under funded communities, many communities of which under privileged and suffering from older racist policies of the pre1960s. Do we seriously expect a community such as 8 mile in Detroit or a thousand other communities across the country, under funded, no work, under educated and ridden with poverty to produce a young innovator of new technology or a new business? Where there is no jobs and no education then suffering follows. No its easier to wash the complication and the sadness away by accusing the poverty stricken of being lazy and looking for handouts and weakening the domestic prosperity of everyone else. Socialism is repeated in this video as equivalent with the expressed meaning of a delusional political failing. This is intentional, it is deliberately described in this narrative identically with the old classic Cold War definition of communism. Now that Russia is no longer a threat and now that the deregulation of the financial, regulatory and industrial sector is almost entirely complete, it is extremely important for the ruling elite to polarize people away from the very terminological bedrock of what Democracy is founded upon, Socialism. There is not one country who has had democracy today or any time in the last 3000 years that wasnt based on socialist ideals, the idea that a decent and rights given set of living standards and infrastructural amenities can be achieved by communal participation and contribution. And this is of course the point, driving people away from socialism allows the power elite to complete the descent into a fascistic, remorseless and unsympathetic psychology. Making the voice of social and democratic reform against the theft and destruction of our civil liberties and economic rights that occurred systematically under Reagan, Bush Sr, Clinton, Bush Jr, and now Obama all the more impossible. We all pay tax and unless the government gives us life support and the infrastructure of a decent humane society, a total return to domestic manufacturing and other industry, a return to tariff protections against cheap imports, a strong regulation against the wall street casino circus, an end to unconstitutional federal income tax paid to a private banking cartel, a total reversal of the NDAA and the Patriot Act and all other gross violations of constitutional rights enacted by Bush and Obama. We are a socialist country, we were founded on Socialism. The founding fathers formed a Socialist constitution and Bull of Rights. It wouldnt be Democracy if they hadnt. They revolted and they fought against policies that would be indistinguishable from the pro corporate policies of today, we should have the honesty and the courage to acknowledge the truth of our times and do the same. Effective revolt only occurs when we can shut down the ability of the elite to conduct their daily commerce, apart from that they are unconcerned and unaffected. Transportation, market places, retail giants, trucking, railways, airports and financial centers should all be shutdown with peaceful protests epitomizing the informed citizens non participation in an illegitimate system that betrays the people and the constitution. Furthermore we should revolt against paying any tax of any kind until the literally infinite amount of tax payer money that gets taken from us gets spent on the state infrastructure, industry that can employee the jobless and benefit the domestic prosperity, a universal healthcare system and a universal educational system. P.S until we break through the left right fake paradigm, we will always blame the problems of our country on each other instead of on the financial elite who run Washington through the lobby system.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:25:22 +0000

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