I wrote The In Between about a year ago with my friend - TopicsExpress


I wrote The In Between about a year ago with my friend @joshwilsonmusic when a new season was stirring in my heart. I’ve been walking with Jesus for over fifteen years now, and it’s incredible to look back and see how much He’s done in my life since I first started following Him. He’s rescued me, healed me, and called me forward in my relationship with Him. When I take time to stop and reminisce on God’s faithfulness to me and just how far He’s brought me since I first began following Him, it makes me want to burst out singing (this often happens on the treadmill...I guess that makes me the crazy gym lady)! But there are also moments where I stand face to face with my humanity and sinfulness and feel like I can’t get anything right. I’m restless for the day when I no longer wrestle with and/or doubt Jesus’ goodness, sovereignty and love…when I no longer struggle to obey God the first time around. I’m longing for heaven and home, when everything is made right and new and there’s no more sin or pain –caused by me or to me. Have you ever been there? Caught in the middle of the “no longer and the great not yet”? That frustration is because we’re still walking our way through this “middle” season here on earth –we aren’t who we used to be (dead in sin) and we aren’t yet who we will be someday when we’re finally home! The verse that has brought me so much comfort and hope through this wrestling is Philippians 1:6, which says that “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.” What a promise!! God is the one who started working in us to begin with, and He promises that He’s going to see that work through all the way until we join Him in eternity. He’s with us right now, using the very situations we’re weary of to reveal Himself to us and draw us closer. Wherever you are today, I’m praying you find comfort and unshakeable joy in the awesome truth that God is with you, for you, and working all things together for good (Romans 8:28). :) Goodnight friends... ❤️
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 03:15:17 +0000

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