I wrote the following to the Mayor of Moree this morning. I will - TopicsExpress


I wrote the following to the Mayor of Moree this morning. I will publish her reply if and when I get one! Dear Mayor It was with deep shock and anger that I read your alleged remarks that appeared to explain away the death of Glen Turner as some form of righteous anger by a farmer driven to the brink by a meddling government. Given that I note your involvement on several committees that deal with cross tenure land management issues and given that you proclaim to want increased tourism for the Moree Plains (though why anyone would now want to risk a visit there is anyones guess), I can but assume you were either misinformed or politically mischievous. In either case your alleged comments do not do justice to your position and shed a bad light on you and on your community. As Mayor, you would be well placed to know that all land holders, in town or country, are constrained, and rightly so, by a myriad of controls, from all levels of government and from common duty to neighbour and to the community. That is how communities function. I have not yet heard of any retractions. I presume you still stand by them. If you have made such a retraction I would be willing to acknowledge your error as an error of judgement. I hope I can. Until such time, I remain angered by your alleged insensitivity and disgusted that an honourable man can be so mistreated in your local area.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 20:40:06 +0000

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