I wrote this a few weeks ago, for our Future Dr. Mindy... - TopicsExpress


I wrote this a few weeks ago, for our Future Dr. Mindy... First, let me start off by saying how very proud we are of your accomplishment, Dr. Mindy Lee Dann! Today is the culmination of 3 years of intense coursework, juggling your schedule to accommodate your studies, your job, your children and your personal life. Most of the time, from the outside looking in, you have made it all look pretty easy. As one who has glimpsed inside, I know that is not always the case. Your typical day starts before 6am, prying your eyelids open with 2x4’s and gulping down a strong cup of coffee. It includes, not only getting yourself up, showered, putting on your face, picking out your daily attire, eating, packing your lunch and loading up your school books and projects, but also getting your 3 boys up, fed, showered, teeth brushed, clothes on, book bags packed, shuttled to school and/or delivered to their caregivers and all before many people have even rolled over to push the snooze button for the first time! Then, your part of the day begins. You drive 45 minutes plus to work, sometimes in a snow storm, sometimes in the rain, sometimes over the bridge to catch an awesome sunrise, coming over Oneida Lake, to share with your Mamma! You then fight to find a parking spot, which you have paid for, daily and dearly, for 3 years! I think you should own a good sized patch of a parking garage by now!! Perhaps we can get them to put up a name plate for Dr. Mindy Lee Dann! And then, the hike into class, or clinic, or wherever the day has brought you to. Perhaps trudging through snow, wading through water or with just a whisper of sunlight peaking over the building and kissing your face good morning. If you’re lucky, you might then get a few minutes to catch your breath before your marathon day of cramming your brain begins. Then, at the end of your school day, you get to fight the traffic on the way home, the worst of which may be just trying to get out of the parking garage! You then make a quick dash into the grocery store for supplies and/or dinner, and then off to gather up the children from wherever they spent their day, or after school time. If we’re lucky, it’s my day and a yummy dinner is awaiting you, along with a big hug and kiss from Daddy and I. Some days, we even get a visit or a walk down to the pond after dinner or we meet at the park and eat together as the kids play… those are the best days! From there, it’s time to pack up the children, and maybe some leftovers and head home, do homework (which for some is worse than a tortured death!) give bathes, pack up backpacks, plan class room treats, go over paperwork and see what school functions you will be able to attend and which ones you will have to miss out on. You share stories of the day with the most important little men in your life… and one big one. You read bedtime stories, give good night hugs and kisses and then, one would think you would just collapse! But NO! There is still more work to be done. Laundry, dishes, meal planning, bill paying, snow blowing, snow shoveling, mowing, trimming, laying out children’s clothes for the next day, packing their bags, and then… your own homework. If you are lucky, you get to bed by midnight, but you and I both know better than that. I can message you at 2am and still get a response most nights. It’s easiest to study when the house is quiet, you tell me. So for those that are on the outside looking in, there is nothing easy about the path she chose, but then, she NEVER took the easy way out of anything! It’s true… you are Superwoman!! Now, I know there are many things that you have missed out on, that you wish you could have done, or seen, or shared in, and I know there are many “Mommy Moments” that you have missed which you can never get back. For those, I am so very sorry. I think those are the most difficult, emotional obstacles facing any working, or higher education seeking Mommy, but you had little choice. More than a decade ago, this was not the course you had chosen for your life, or at least not the timing, but at some point, the road took a detour and headed down a very challenging path. With drive, purpose and an indomitable spirit, you met that challenge head on… and here we are. As I said before, we could not be more proud of where you are and how hard you worked to get here! One day your boys will be equally as proud… One day they will understand your devotion to their best interest… one day, when they have worked as hard as you, to achieve something for the good of their family, they will know your sacrifice. Now this is not to say that you did this all alone… you certainly did not. Luckily your “village” rose to help you! When they say, “It takes a village to raise a child”, it could not be more true! And that same village, maintains that support system to help you when you need it throughout your life and the lives of your children. We have all been blessed beyond words with the help we have had to bring this goal to fruition. I want to thank some of the key people that have made my life easier and helped us all to keep our sanity the past 3 years and share just some of the ways they have helped not only Mindy, but me! First and foremost, your Daddy. He is my support system; my back-up; my right arm; my sounding board; my chauffeur. Without his calm demeanor, his unwavering patience, his “No one’s dead or dying” attitude, and his ability to entertain little boys with go-carts, snowmobiles, Jeep rides, ATV rides and his mechanical ability to repair broken chains, slipping clutches, electric motors and fouled spark plugs, not to mention his carpentry skills to build tree forts, swing sets and jungle gyms and the fact that the word “No” is not even in his vocabulary (to me anyway) has kept me sane and able to stay-the-course! You are my rock and my security blankie and you are the best Daddy and Grandpa any child, and any Grandma, could ever hope for! And to my bosses (& Mindy’s), Patty and Ronny… without the flexibility of my job, I could not begin to help care for my grandchildren like I have. Your commitment to family in the workplace is truly the best fringe benefit I will ever have! (Don’t get me wrong… Health Insurance is right up there too!) And to your brother and sisters and their respective spousal units… They have helped with everything from auto repairs to babysitting, but most of all, they provide comedy relief when we all gather for family events, or when you all get together to go out on the town. Their humor and ability to help keep everything in perspective is priceless, as is their support to help you achieve your goals. And Trooper Heath, or as we prefer to call him, Erik. A man like you is a rare, and wonderful, find. You are the piece that completes a very complex puzzle. Or perhaps you are the final turn of the Rubik’s cube. I don’t think you could have known what your life was going to be like when you met our Mindy a couple years ago, but I can bet one thing… there has not been a boring moment since! (even when you wanted one!) You are, without question, very loved and very appreciated, by not only our daughter and our grandsons (though they may not always show it), but by Tom and I, as well. With you two as a team, I feel there is nothing that can block your goals and the bright futures of our grandsons! Katie, Katie, Katie… I really not need say anything more than that! Many reading this letter would get it! But for those that don’t know Katie, to Mindy, Katie has at times, been like a crazy little sister, or a needy teenaged daughter, or a mother that offers a shoulder to cry on, and yes, even a drunken cousin! But she has always been a very best, most awesome, amazing friend! If there were no Katie, Mindy’s life would be without so many stories, so many funny and perfectly timed texts, so many great Facebook posts, so many interesting memories (some she will never share with me and for that, I might just be thankful) and so many hang-overs, but mostly, so much fun! Katie, may well be credited the most, with what has kept Mindy sane and from driving into a tree! And there are those that are on the side lines, and I would be remiss if I did not thank them. Barb Brown, you are forever a friend who always helps me see a different perspective on things. Our conversations always come around to asking how my Mindy is doing and how her children are faring. You are truly a devoted and appreciated friend. Ted and Rachel Watson, you both have always been there for anything, any of my kids have ever needed… Always! Friends like you are special and rare gems and we are so glad you are in our collection! Uncle Jim Milligan… you are the last of a breed… you are one of kind and a pillar to our family. You are our closest link to Grandma Dann. Like her, your love is unconditional. She would have been so proud to see this day! Just as proud as you are! Aunt Karin & Uncle Joe… I can’t even begin. By being the kind, thoughtful and very generous people you are, you have changed lives, including ours. You epitomize the meaning of unconditional love and commitment to family. Uncle Joe would have been so proud to see this day. He thought the world of all of our children and grandchildren and I know Aunt Karin feels exactly the same. And there are many, many more that I chat with, talk with and now, text with, that have offered words of support, encouragement, advice and council… all of whom are appreciated! Well… most all! So, as we all share this day of congratulations, with Dr. Mindy Lee Dann, DPT, we can each pause to reflect on our part played to get her to this moment. And as you reflect, keep this in mind… those boys are still little and though we are closing on this chapter, we have a long way to go in the novel! Stay the course! We still need you! Congratulations Dr. Mindy!! From day one, we knew you had this! Daddy and I love you to the moon and back!
Posted on: Mon, 19 May 2014 02:08:31 +0000

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