IDIOMS AND PHRASES 1. TO BE LOST IN THE CLOUDS Meaning: confused Example: My psychology teacher is often lost in the clouds as she sometimes is unable to explain the questions clearly. 2. TO BE ILL AT EASE Meaning: Uncomfortable Example: A student is often ill at ease when he has to see the Principle after he has done something wrong. 3. TO BE BORN WITH A SILVER SPOON IN ONE’S MOUTH Meaning: To be born in a rich family Example: My friend does not have to worry about spending any amount of money as she is born with a silver spoon in her mouth. 4. TO BE UP AND DOING Meaning: Active Example: A labourer should be up and doing daily if he has to earn his living. 5. TO BE FIT TO HOLD A CANDLE TO Meaning: Match for, equal in quality Example: He is the son of a famous writer but he is not fit to hold a candle to his father. 6. TO BE UNDER A CLOUD Meaning: To be under suspicion Example: His secret connections with the smugglers have brought him under a cloud. 7. TO BE AT DAGGERS DRAWN Meaning: To have bitter enmity Example: The quarrel between the two real brothers has grown more bitter now and they are at daggers drawn. 8. TO BE AT LARGE Meaning: Abscond, to keep unchained Example: People keep their dogs at large at night. 9. TO EAT HUMBLE PIE Meaning: To apologize Example: In spite of his constant bragging he lost the match and had to eat humble pie. 10. TO BE NOT WORTH ONE’S SALT Meaning: Not deserving Example: We should not help the persons who are not worth their salt.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 14:02:54 +0000

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