IF I WERE GEJ......MY INDEPENDENCE DAY BROADCAST...... Let me start by apologising for coming up with this post rather late, I had to attend to some pressing domestic issue. Also, it was a bid not to let this noble idea be drowned in the flood of criticism envisaged to trail the speech of Mr. President on a day like this. Once again, for the essence of this post, I crave you indulgence as I assume the position of the President, and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. NIGERIANS: THERE IS HOPE...... Fellow Nigerians, I came to you this day to address you as we celebrate our 54th anniversary as an independent sovereign state. Taking a look back at such a great journey toward nationhood, I am bold to say Nigerians congratulations. The last six months has really threatened our sovereignty, our national values and democratic values. Fellow Nigerians, the last six months is the reason I am congratulating you for your steadfastness and resolve to protect the sanctity of the sovereignty of this great country of ours. I am not unmindful of issues that defined the last six(6) months. The non remittance of $20b by the NNPC to the Federation account claims by His Eminence Alhaji Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, the newly installed Emir of Kano. This claim he made toward the end of his tenure as the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria. I will like to remind Nigerians that the initial figure put forward by the former CBN Governor was $40b and not just the whole country, the Presidency was alarmed. This prompted a forensic audit of the account of the NNPC on my directive and instance and the figure was a downward review of the non-remitted funds to $20b. This I want Nigerians to see as a committal stance of this administration, my administration to be accountable to Nigerians. Another major defining issue was the abduction of over 200 girls in Chibok. Though the figures are conflicting, but I will tell you it was 247 girls and this figure we have been working with. Though some of the girls escaped and have since been reunited with their families, effort is un-relentless to bring the rest of the abducted girls to safety. Why a lot of people accused my administration of putting up a slow reaction and response to the issue, in some cases, I was accused of living in denial, I will like to clarify to Nigerians that my response and that of my administration was measured, and the crux of our action is getting these girls back to safety. I want to use this medium to assure and reassure Nigerians that within the next 30 days, #bringbackourgirls will be replaced with #ourgirlsareback. I can not discuss this issue without acknowledging the effort of the leading personalities in the #bringbackourgirls, campaigs, while in some quaters, your actions were seen as a huge embarrassment to the county, I want to say a big Thank You to you all, you brought to fore and global attention the danger and the depth of the insurgency confronting us as a nation. This has not brought about collaboration with some countries militarily, but in intelligence sharing and commitment. An instance is the readiness and cooperation Camerounian Forces and government have been rendering to Nigeria in the last four(4) months. I will not and I can not tell you have the girls will be brought back to safety in a bid not to jeopardise the rescue plan(s) of the Armed Forces and the safety of the girls, be reast assured this is no cluelessness, but a measured response and approach. The last fifty(50) days has been the most chaotic for us as a nation. There were damning allegations by an aussie who claimed to be an independent negotiator with the insurgents (Boko Haram) in a bid to secure the Chibok girls. I want Nigerians to know if this man was engaged by the Federal Government of Nigeria, he is to report his findings back to the Government and not on pay tv like he did. The former Chief of Army Staff Lt. General Azubuike Ihejirika(Rtd) and Sen. Ali-Modu Sherif, the former Governor of Borno state were accused of sponsoring the insurgency. Though, as a Commander-in-Chief, I can vouch and will forever vouch for any of my Service Chiefs. I can vouch for their commitment, I can vouch for their dedication, I can vouch for their loyalty, above all; I can vouch for their love for this great country Nigeria. They are passionate about Nigerias sovereignty and defending her territory from all aggression, be it internal or external. This is not to be misconstrued as a foreclosure of the allegation(s), I have directed the Chief of Defense Staff, and the Head of Directorate of Military (DMI) to investigate the allegation. Their mandate is to ascertain the authenticity of the claim and if the former Chief of Army Staff is guilty of any wrongdoing, be it corruption, abuse of office, or breach of public trust. A similar directive has been issued to the DG of the DSS to investigate Sen. Ali-Modu sherif. I implore all Nigerians to be patient, and wait for the outcome of these investigation which will be painstakingly carried out, and refrain from condemning these two Nigerians guilty until they are both found wanting. I will like to say something about the $9.3m seized in South Africa. Nigerians, this is not only an embarrassment to the country, my administration was hugely embarrassed. It was no illegal arms deals, safe to say the governments position on the matter was quoted out of context, indeed there was a communication breakdown between the Intelligence agencies of the two country and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Nigerian Ambassador to South Africa, and the Ministries of Defense of both countries are trying to resolve the matter diplomatically. To any lame man, $9.3m is not enough to buy the much needed armament, or any sizeable armament to take on the insurgency confronting us as a nation. It was meant to be a test run purchase on the reliability of those suppliers. That the transaction was cash-based is embarrassing enough, it was the zeal and determination to source for new suppliers bearing in mind the cold war between the US government and my government which prompted this. Nigerians, this was no money laundering or a legitimate government procuring arms illegally. This was no religious leader involved in gun running. It was just a Nigerian trying to be patriotic believing he is a stakeholder in the Nigerian state. Fellow Nigerians, the $1b loan request is not just to buy arms for the military, but to restructure and reposition the Counter Terrorism Unit. We did not wake up to the threats of terrorism. We failed to protect ourselves, we were not prepared for such affront on our sovereignty, we failed to realise that it was not an American thing or problem of the Europeans... We failed to realise it was a global problem which demanded global response, that is why I am requesting for that much to secure Nigeria and Nigerians....to secure our wives, children...our future. I could have sent a supplementary appropriation bill to the National Assembly, but legislative activities will slow it down and further hamper our war on terror. Moreover, we are not drawing the said fund from the Federation Account. The activities of the insurgents saw them making incursion into our land, I am glad to tell you that the Nigerian Armed Forces have been up to their responsibilities and have repelled the invading army of insurgents. In couple of months, Nigeria will be safe again. Nigerians everywhere can and will be safe anywhere. This is the promise I make to you on this day. Lastly, there was an outbreak of Ebola Virus Disease in the country which claimed many precious lives. I must say I am impressed and proud to be a Nigerian....privileged to be your President. Nigerians from all walks of life, irrespective of religious or political leanings formed a united front to rid this country of the EVD. Once again, I am proud of you and I appreciate the health workers who died due to their contact with the index case, your sacrifice we will always engrave in our hearts as a nation. Independence means Freedom... Independence means Liberation... Independence means self determination..... These qualities I see in Nigeria... These qualities I see in Nigerians... Fellow Nigerians, these qualities gives me the much needed confidence to tell you that there is Hope... Free from the stronghold of insecurity, the strong will and determination to liberate its land from all invading forces, be it biological or physical, above all; self determination on how to take on and defeat all and every ill confronting us as a nation. Happy Independence Day Nigerians... God Bless Nigeria........ Nigerians.... This is not your President, nor the speech he read to you today.... This is from me.... This is I yemi Saka... Maybe someday... God willing.... Insha Allah, you will hear this from me.... I shall be your President, but for now....make do with what you have... Make do with GEJ
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 20:47:31 +0000

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