IF YOU READ ONE THING ON THIS PAGE LET THIS BE IT. Interesting post from Chuck Fuchser on the Justice for David Crowley & Family page. VERY VERY VERY good read and enlighteningt o anyone who is wondering what the heck is going on in this country. . I am a retired deputy sheriff. Prior to retirement, I was assigned to a major crimes unit. I have been involved in the investigations of several homicides. I have taken an interest in the death of David Crowley and I pray that we may soon learn the truth of what really happened. Today, as the result of a Google search, I came upon this article which is designed by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) to bring discredit and suspicion upon David Crowley, and scorn, ridicule and hatred upon all who appreciate and support his work. It behooves all to refrain from jumping to conclusions based on skimpy evidence. We should carefully examine, with guarded suspicion, whatever evidence becomes available to us. At some point the evidence may become unarguably weighted toward one side or the other. That said, I also think that the labeling of David Crowley by the SPLC, as a hatemonger, is that much more reason for suspicion. Founded by Morris Dees, the SPLC decries conservative minded groups, as haters, and makes millions of dollars doing so. In about 1994, I was assigned to attend a law enforcement course on protection of dignitaries that was provided to law enforcement agencies by the US Secret Service. There, I listened to federal instructors identify for the attending law enforcement officers just who were the most likely persons to become enemies of the United States. We were even provided a detailed list. I listened as I followed down the list of individuals and groups that had been identified by the federal government as potential enemies, and was amazed to discover that the list included me. I was then and am now, a person who sincerely believes, that the Constitution of the United States should be enforced as it is literally written. I often ask people to carefully read the constitution and create a list of the specified duties of the federal government. Most who do compile lists of twenty-one or twenty two duties. I then ask them to contemplate those twenty-one or twenty-two duties, in light of the ninth and tenth amendments. Anyone who does this receives a real eye-opening. For this, I am on the list. I was then and am now a flag waver. I love the United States. I love the principles upon which she is founded. I love the Declaration of Independence, which outlines in so simple of terms the source of our rights and the reasons which compelled our separation from the oppression of the English Crown. I love the founders, who risked all they had to establish real freedom for their countrymen. For this also, I am on the list. I was then, and am now, a member of the John Birch Society, a patriotic organization which defends freedom and supports the Constitution of the United States, and which was defamed in multiple ways by the Secret Service during portions of the course. For my membership in the John Birch Society, I am also on the list. I approached one of the Secret Service Agent instructors, during a break, and requested to know the source of his information. I told him that I was a member of the John Birch Society which he had maligned, and that I fit other categories on his list. I assured him that not he, nor anyone else, need worry about me, or others like me, attempting to assassinate anyone. He apologized to me and stated that he was only repeating what he had been taught to teach. During the course, attendees were provided written literature, some bearing the logo of the Secret Service, and some bearing identifiers of Morris Dees and the SPLC. For the reasons detailed above, Morris Dees and the SPLC have identified me as a potential enemy of the State. As such, my fellow officers should regard me with suspicion and consider me a likely candidate for arrest in the event of a violent action upon the state or her dignitaries. The only problem is that most of my friends in law enforcement know me too well. They know that I love my country. They know that I would never commit an act of the type Morris Dees would have them suspect me of. The other problem is that most of my law enforcement friends are US military veterans (like many of you), and as such, they are also on the official Morris Dees / SPLC / US Secret Service (and untold other federal agencys) lists of potential enemies of the State. Morris Dees is a well known contributor to campaigns of liberal politicians. He has received awards from a number of leftist groups. A profile of Dees is located here. SPLC’s first president was Julian Bond, a socialist who has supported and participated in socialist, communist, and other radical leftist organizations and activities his entire life. Bond has enjoyed the endorsement and support of the Communist Party USA. A great deal on this individual and others associated with Dees and the SPLC can be found here. It is true that the SPLC did attack and wound the KKK. Since that time, Morris Dees inexcusably turned his attention to every individual and group that he might be able to make another million dollars on, by pinning a hate label on them. Dees uses lies and innuendo to associate groups and individuals that are not associated. He combines groups of non violent law abiding peaceful citizens in the same breath with murderous villains, painting both with the same brush. SPLC receives vast sums of donations from those who have something to gain by having their opposition labeled and targeted as enemies of the State. SPLC also creates fear in the minds of the ignorant, who also donate in order to feel like they are somehow better protected from make believe threats to their personal security. With government being the ultimate possible source of funds, the SPLC has become a paid consultant to the FBI and Homeland Security. It is a win-win for Dees and the Feds, by labeling those that oppose unconstitutional consolidation of power in the hands of the federal government as their enemies. Dees website boasts identification of nine-hundred-thirty-nine hate groups, and claims to expose their activities to law enforcement agencies, the media and the public. The SPLC expose of you and this website is located here. Perhaps the greatest danger to citizens is that Dees false association of non-violent people like us, to known violent groups, may provide the feds the excuse to use violence on us, first. I am sure that many of us question whether or not the Crowley family is a victim of this circumstance.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 05:04:55 +0000

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