IF YOU WANT TO COMMENT PLEASE READ ENTIRE POST AND WATCH VIDEO FIRST. What is the greatest weapon? Missiles? Swords? Disease? Guns? No. The mind is the greatest weapon. When we are afraid to scrutinize religion or have our own religions scrutinized, all notions of liberation is illusionary, vain, unattainable and only fashionable. Our mind collectively is what has kept us in bondage for this long. Willie Lynch said Keep the body and take the mind. You have to target a persons mind in order to control their body because you cannot control a persons body forever who wants to be free. This is why you must control their mind so they will keep themselves in order for your benefit. You condition them to your will. This is basic psychology. All religions are based on older truths, yet the fragmented nature is what leads to mass conditioning to the point that people will kill and die in the name of an accepted being or ideology. The twelve disciples of christ can be taken back to the 12 signs in the zodiac, twelve months in a solar (sun/son) year. The sun is how we distinguish the twelve months, the sun deity. Some go by lunar, marking the crescent, for lunar deities. That is a fact but the facts are forsaken for dogma. And dogma leads to unquestionable devotion which is where problems arise as a mind that no longer questioned is hence captured. Now we can fight our brother and claim our oppressors as brothers. You see where I am going yet? Jesus, the son, walking on water as the sun does on the horizon during the dawn and decline of a new day, much like the Egyptian deity Heru, the son. Islam, surrender, submission, peace yet to limit to an ideology only 1400 years ago. Al Ilah simply translates to The Deity. Were there deities before 610 AD? Yes. The Arab slave trade, which predates the European slave trade, was done in the name of Islam and many Africans converted. Then slavery was again justified by Christian Caucasians and the white mans burden to bring salvation to the world. Arab slave traders went into the interiors of Africa where the Europeans did not because they could not. Female circumcision is an Arabic practice, not an African practice. Egypt, which is now considered a muslim state, nearly 95% of the females are genitally mutilated. This is an islamic practice for the Arabs and their African converts. The women cover from head to toe, yet you look on the walls and see the women free and topless and not oppressed but worshipped instead. Those are African women on the walls, not Arabs. Well, how can we have unity if we are afraid to address the mind state. Does religion effect the mind? Absolutely. Can people do good and bad in the name of religion? Absolutely. We do the best with what we have at the time which is what defines character. Yet I ask, if the roots become available to tap onto, would you still only hold onto the branch or would you be willing to take that branch back to the source from which it came? How can the roots offend the branches from which it comes unless there is an agenda behind it?
Posted on: Sat, 04 Oct 2014 04:57:18 +0000

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