II. YOUR ATTITUDE 2.2 BE SELF-SACRIFICING Yes, all the - TopicsExpress


II. YOUR ATTITUDE 2.2 BE SELF-SACRIFICING Yes, all the things I once thought were so important are gone from my life. Compared to the high privilege of knowing Christ Jesus as my Master, firsthand, everything I once thought I had going for me is insignificant dung. I’ve dumped it all in the trash so that I could embrace Christ. Philippians 3:8 (MSG) A Religion in which one gives up nothing and loses nothing is worth Nothing. Success in CHRIST should not be counted only in terms of the number of breakthroughs, miracles, signs and wonders that you have experienced in your Christian Walk. Rather, your Christian Pilgrimage should also be evaluated in the number of self-sacrifices you have made for the sake of CHRIST. Look around you, you will see a number of Christian leaders who gave up lucrative employments and businesses in order to follow the LORD JESUS CHRIST. The great congregation in which you now worship did not start in a big way. It must have started with a vision shared by a Christian couple who initially spent their savings and salaries to maintain the “church”. At the beginning of of any Christian work, the pioneers don’t usually talk of tithing. They usually sacrifice their all so that the Gospel Commission can be fulfilled. They give up their pleasure for other’s treasure in CHRIST. To be effective (doing the right thing) and efficient (doing things right) in Evangelism and Missions, you must cultivate the habit of self-sacrifice. While self-denial is giving up what could have been yours, self-sacrifice is giving up what you already have. Christianity began in Sacrifice, has continued in Sacrifice and will culminate in Sacrifice. The Sacrifice of the Saints like you is the Foundation of Winning Sinners for CHRIST. As a Witness, Evangelist and/or missionary, you must be determined to Sacrifice your Life, Time, Talents and Treasures for the sake of helping others to gain the LORD JESUS CHRIST as their LORD and SAVIOUR. PRAYERFUL THOUGHT: LORD JESUS, I appreciate all that YOU, the early Disciples and the Missionaries sacrificed so that I can receive Eternal Life. Help me to show appreciation for all You have done... by my sacrificing what I have for the populating of your Kingdom. Become an Effective and Efficient Witness, Evangelist and Missionary: A) attend SOULWINNERS’ CONFERENCES: 1. CHURCH GROWTH CONFERENCE Last Wed of March to Saturday 2. FESTIVAL of CHRISTIAN TALENTS Last Wed of June to Saturday 3. CONFERENCE ON PRACTICAL EVANGELISM Last Wed of September to Saturday 4. STRATEGIC MISSIONS SUMMIT “Teen” Wed of December to Saturday B) enroll for 48 Weekend Courses at GOSPELCON: GOSPEL COLLEGE OF NIGERIA Last Friday and Last Saturday of the Month Arrive: 5pm Last Friday; Depart: 12noon Last Saturday MATRICULATION: Last Saturday of January GRADUATION: Last Saturday of November GOSPELCON, GOSPELCITY, OFFA, Kwara, Nigeria gospelville@yahoo +234 80 JESUS 777; +234 80 53787 777
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 10:20:54 +0000

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