IMAGINE A JEWISH VILLAGE TAKEN OVER BY ISIL….. Imagine the fate of the Christians, Shiite, Kurds, Yazidi right now, and then imagine a Jewish village somewhere in between those communities. I don’t know if their fates would be worse, or better, or the same. I imagine it would be pretty much the same as those horrid gruesome images we see flowing on the net, and finally now that Gaza is calmer on CNN and other mainstream media these days. When I see those images I wish the Kurds would have their own country, That there would be a Christian refuge in the Middle East. That the Yazidi had had their strand of Zionism to make sure they had a homeland. But then again so many factors played into the birth of the Jewish homeland, including a holocaust. One that I am sure will happen in Iraq and Syria today if the Western powers do not step in. As I am writing this I see that Obama has authorized air strikes and some aid. It is too little too late, but better than nothing and hopefully only the first step. When I see those images of men packed on trucks on the way to their executions, when I hear about the women raped and sold as slaves, I cannot help but think of the holocaust, the Jews and the early Zionists. I see a lot on the net these days, comparing Zionists to Nazi’s, Fascists, Racists etc. I see so much de legitimization of the Jewish state and I think about Iraq and Syria. Saddam Hussein gassed a couple of hundred thousand Kurds back in the good old days with impunity. No one really cared. About 30 or 40000 people died in a Turkish-Kurdish conflict that I know too little of to make a judgment about. Today I think the Kurds are the closest to achieving their own state in Northern Iraq. But Isil threatens them. I wonder what would be the fate of the Jews had Israel never happened. I wonder about the maps of the Middle East. There is no doubt that it would have been different, Jordan and Syria would probably stretch into the sea, Egypt would take a big chunk of the southern Palestine mandate, and if Lebanon existed at all it would be about half its size. I don’t think there would be a country called Palestine. Am I wrong? Its not the purpose of writing this, but its an interesting question. Would Palestine exist as a country without Israel? Jordan and Egypt never seemed in a rush to create one when they were occupying their respective portions of the Palestine Mandate It doesn’t matter now. Israel exists and so does Palestine, sort of. I for one am glad it does, I am glad that the Jewish nation is no longer at the mercy of countries that will fail to protect its minorities. I hope that the people questioning the legitimacy of the fly shit sized country on the edge of the map will realize when they see the image of the middle east burning right now why the Jewish nation needed a shelter. I hope the Palestinians will have this as well, with a leadership that will be worthy of them. I believe we are heading there, I hope the Kurds get there soon, and I pray for the rest of the Minorities persecuted and raped. I hope that something good will come out of this evil dark force running rampant in the Middle East like demonic Orks out of Lord Of the Rings trilogy. These are the darkest forces that can no longer be ignored. I hope it will unite Jews, Arabs, Muslims ( Sunni and Shiite ) Christians and Kurds and fight this. I challenge us all to do something. I dare to pray that something good will come out of this craziness and will help unite the rational ones amongst us. Then again I am a dreamer, but like John said, I might not be the only one.
Posted on: Sat, 09 Aug 2014 00:28:08 +0000

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