IMAGINE THAT! MORE DEAD WITNESSES... AN OBAMA TREND! You call me paranoid, I’ll call you uninformed. What I know for sure, is FIVE PEOPLE WHO HAVE BLOWN THE WHISTLE ON OBAMA OR HIS ADMINISTRATIONS’S POLICIES IN JUST 2013 WOUND UP DEAD IN “MYSTERIOUS ACCIDENTS.” As I said, Michael Hastings just happened to be working on VERY damaging article to the Democrats when he just happened to crash into a tree, and a film team just happened to be there to record it all. If you decide to call me a conspiracy theorist, perhaps you can solve the mystery I can’t help but find just a bit “OFF.” Does no one else find it just a tad strange that in addition to PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE OBAMA CONTINUING TO END UP DEAD, a film crew just “happened to be there” at the time of the accident too to “verify” the death??? Come on! NOW, we also know there has been accusations that Obama was behind OPERATION EXTORTION 17. Allegedly that was a covert operation that took down the helicopter with 22 MEMBERS of Seal Team 6 aboard. If you ask me, it makes the “mysterious death” of Michael Hastings just a little more fishy. I have since learned (which I assumed – even having never been in the military), that it IS indeed against NAVY regs to have THAT many people within an elite unit like Seal Team 6 in ONE vehicle at the same time. THE REASON: To prevent precisely what happened. So… why were they all on there? Was there a reason for Obama to need them gone? Many would say YES. Since 2013, the LIST OF DEATHS CONNECTED TO THE WHITE HOUSE IS TOO GREAT TO COUNT. That article lists them by name, but there are SO many I decided not to count. Since Obama has close to ZERO political capital these days, thankfully the days of his early ILLEGAL threats are largely ignored today and there are the incidents of whistleblowing like the links listed within... READ ON...
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 13:29:17 +0000

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