IMPERIAL REQUIEM - REMEMBRANCE - BY OTHER SOVEREIGNS OF WHO WE ARE - ALL COUSINS - LIVING HEIRS TO - OUR CROWN. WHERE DID QUEEN KAPIOLANI SIT AT QUEEN VICTORIAS SILVER JUBILEE 1887? ELEVATED AND IN THE CENTER OF THE DAIS AS A HOLY SOVEREIGN UNDER SAINTS KING KAMEHAMEHA IV AND QUEEN EMMA OF ST. ANDREWS CATHEDRAL - AN INDEPENDENT SOVEREIGN - AN EQUAL. EXCERPTS - AS WRITTEN BY: PRINCESS AND HEIR APPARENT LILI`UOKALANI. Immediately after our arrival Queen Kapiolani sent messages of congratulations to Her Majesty Victoria, Queen of Great Britain and Empress of India; and arrangements were made for us to present our felicitations in person at Buckingham Palace on Monday at one oclock in the afternoon. AT TWELVE PRECISELY OF THAT DAY, Queen Victoria and her suite entered London, coming from Scotland where she had been residing for some time....Accompanied by her favorite daughter Beatrice and her husband, Prince Henry of Battenberg, the queen was driven to Buckingham Palace, preceded by a detachment of her celebrated Life Guards, outriders from the same regiment being detailed for each side of Her Majestys carriage. When the hour approached for us to go and meet her, an officer came from the palace; and Queen Kapiolani and I, attended by Colonel Iuakea and Mr. Synge, took our departure for the hall of reception. We were shown into a large room, where some of the princes HAD ALREADY ARRIVED; and our first greeting came from the Premier, Lord Salisbury.... Lord Salisbury made his appearance; and approaching Queen Kapiolani, offered her his arm, leading the way to THE CENTRE OF THE ROOM, my husband and I following. Very soon we were joined by H. R. H. the Duke of Connaught, with Lady Salisbury. As this couple came up I waited a moment with my husband that they might pass in front of us; but the prince motioned to me to assume the precedence, and seeing him pause for us, we passed on, while he and his fair companion FOLLOWED IN OUR WAKE. Passing thus through the crowds, who made way as we approached, we were conducted to a side room, where refreshments were served. Here Lord Salisbury placed THE QUEEN ON HIS RIGHT, and I was notified to be SEATED ON HIS LEFT, my husband standing behind my chair. The Duke of Connaught addressed him, and asked him to be seated, using as the form of salutation the TITLE OF GOVERNOR. At first Governor Dominis declined, but on being urged by the prince, complied with his polite invitation. THIS IS WORTHY OF MENTION, because on this occasion THE POSITION OF HONOR in the very centre of the room WAS ASSIGNED TO OUR PARTY. On the left of my husband was Lady Salisbury, and by her side the Duke of Connaught; then the Maharajah, Prince of Indore; and so on..... On the following, or GREAT DAY OF THE JUBILEE, we were to be present in the morning at the historic church of WESTMINISTER ABBEY; and the hour of half-past ten had been appointed for General Dominis and Colonel Boyd to take their positions there. Our party, consisting of the members of royal families, left at eleven oclock, the procession being led by the Japanese Prince; then followed the Prince of Persia, the Prince of Siam, and then the Indian Prince. SUCCEEDING THESE CAME the Queen of the Hawaiian Islands with myself, AND TO US WAS ACCORDED THE MOST UNUSUAL HONOR of an escort drawn from THE LIFE GUARDS of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. This was scarcely expected, but we were told that it had been ESPECIALLY GRANTED to the Queen and Crown Princess of Hawaii.... We were given one of the QUEENS OWN CARRIAGES, with horses and drivers, during our stay in London. Our drive to Westminster Abbey was a short one. We passed through crowds and crowds of people, both sides of the street being thronged, but THERE WAS PERFECT ORDER; besides which, the Life Guardsmen were on EACH SIDE OF OUR CARRIAGES... As the people arrived, they were arranged by the ushers in charge according to their rank. As delegation after delegation came in, each was quietly and properly ASSIGNED TO ITS APPROPRIATE STATION. IN THE CENTRE OF THE GREAT EDIFIC, THERE WAS A RAISED PLATFORM OR DAIS, TO WHICH WE WERE CONDUCTED. Soon after us a most prominent party arrived, and were also seated on the dais. We found them to be the kings, queens, princes, and princesses from several of the European countries..... Soon the band began the grand and solemn strains of God Save the Queen, and all but a few arose under the impression that it announced the entrance of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. The little duchess inquired of me WHY WAS I RISING, and without awaiting a reply volunteered the information, that the anthem was probably in honor of the arrival of some members of the royal family. And this proved to be the fact; for almost immediately there appeared a company of ladies, these being THE DAUGHTERS, GRANDDAUGHTERS, AND DAUGHTERS-IN-LAW OF QUEEN VICTORIA. They advanced, and took their seats ON THE LEFT SIDE OF THE DAIS.... Their entrance was followed by another blast from the bugles and a further measure of the national anthem, to which there responded a company of the SONS AND GRANDSONS of the reigning sovereign, led by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales. These took their seats ON THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE DAIS, and thus WE WERE SURROUNDED BY THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD. After all was tranquil, there followed a final flourish of the trumpets; and for the third time the band gave us God Save the Queen, and at this salutation there appeared Her Majesty Queen Victoria, preceded by the Archbishop of Canterbury and four other bishops. Slowly they proceeded to the stations which had been reserved for them, in the centre of the great church at the end farthest from the people, but QUITE NEAR TO WHERE I SAT, so that I could watch them to my perfect satisfaction. QUEEN VICTORIA ASCENDED THE DAIS, AND ADVANCED TO HER SEAT AT ITS VERY CENTRE, where there was a plain-looking, old-fashioned armchair, said to have ONCE BELONGED TO ST. PETER HIMSELF. She stood at a spot just opposite to this seat. All the rest of us had risen, and remained standing during her approach. BEFORE SEATING HERSELF, she made a little courtesy, which SALUTATION WAS RETURNED by all those who had awaited her coming FROM THE OPPOSITE DAIS OR PLATFORM... When we arrived at BUCKINGHAM PALACE, I was waited on by the Duke of Edinburgh, whilst Queen Kapiolani was under the escort of the heir to the British throne, the Prince of Wales. In the banquet hall was a long table through the centre, which took up the entire length of the room; this was assigned exclusively to the visiting kings and queens from every part of the world, many of whom had travelled long distances to be present at this Jubilee. TWO SMALLER TABLES WERE ATTACHED AT EACH END OF THE LONG ONE, and these were SET A PART for the princes and princesses who were also the guests of the nation. To one of these tables, and TOWARDS THE CENTRE, my escort, H. R. H. Prince Alfred, Duke of Edinburgh, and now of Saxe-Coburg, conducted me, and gave me a seat; on my right was the present Emperor of Germany, who proved to be a most sociable neighbor, and an agreeable conversationalist, so that we kept up quite an animated flow of words. Truthfully speaking, I think the Duke of Edinburgh was not quite easy in his mind. HE WAS THE LORD HIGH ADMIRAL, and was naturally thinking of the long line of officers and men which had been drawn up to do honor to the royal visitors, and who could only be relieved from guard duty by his order…. From the banquet hall Her Majesty, followed by her royal guests, adjourned to a larger room in the palace, commanding a fine view of the streets and squares about us. Here from the windows we watched the marines and the naval forces as they filed past on their way back to the ships from whence they had come. They were a superb body of men, of whom their royal commander, and indeed all England, might well be proud. After they had marched away, we were shown into a side room where were displayed the presents which had been sent to the queen in recognition of this her jubilee year. They were too many and too varied for me to attempt anything like an enumeration; yet there were one or two pieces which I will mention. Hawaii had sent a unique frame placed on an easel, in the centre of which was an embroidered piece, with the letters V. R. worked in the rare royal feathers, while the frame itself was studded with diamonds. As we drove homeward, and passed over the route by which we had come, scarcely a man or woman of all that vast crowd which had congregated there so recently was to be seen; the avenues of travel seemed to have been deserted. Yet the throng had dispersed in so orderly a manner that there had been no confusion, and no accidents were ever reported to mar the joy of the Jubilee. jubilee noun • Judaism (in Jewish history) a year of emancipation and restoration, celebrated every fifty years. • (in full Jubilee Year )a period of remission from the penal consequences of sin, granted by the Roman Catholic Church under certain conditions for a year, usually at intervals of twenty-five years. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old French jubile, from late Latin jubilaeus (annus)‘(year) of jubilee,’ based on Hebrew yōḇēl, originally ‘rams-horn trumpet,’ with which the jubilee year was proclaimed. SABBATICAL AND JUBILEE So important was the law regarding the jubilee that, like the Decalogue, it was ascribed to the legislation on Mount Sinai (Lev. xxv. 1). It was to come into force after the Israelites should be in possession of Palestine: When ye come into the land which I give you (ib.). The law provides that one may cultivate his field and vineyard six years, but in the seventh year shall be . . . a Sabbath for the Lord, during which one shall neither sow nor reap as hitherto for his private gain, but all members of the community—the owner, his servants, and strangers—as well as domestic and wild animals, shall share in consuming the natural or spontaneous yield of the soil. The fiftieth year, i.e., that following the last year of seven Sabbatical cycles, is the jubilee; during it the land regulations of the Sabbatical year are to be observed, as is also the commandment ye shall return every man unto his possession (ib. verse 10), indicating the compulsory restoration of hereditary properties (except houses of laymen located in walled cities) to the original owners or their legal heirs, and the emancipation of all Hebrew servants whose term of six years is unexpired or who refuse to leave their masters when such term of service has expired (Gen. xviii. 6; Ar. 33b; see Josephus, Ant. vi. 8, § 28). The regulations of the Sabbatical year include also the annulment of all monetary obligations between Israelites, the creditor being legally barred from making any attempt to collect his debt (Deut. xv. 1 et seq.). jewishencyclopedia/articles/12967-sabbatical-year-and-jubilee THE CROWN In English jurisprudence, the Crown is the state in all its aspects….Legally, the Crown is a corporation sole that, in the Commonwealth realms, Crown dependencies and any of its provincial or state sub-divisions, represents the legal embodiment of executive, legislative, or judicial governance. It evolved first in the United Kingdom as a separation of the literal crown and property of the nation state from the person and personal property of the monarch…The term is also found in expressions such as crown land,…The concept of the Crown took form under the feudal system….Land, for instance, was granted by the Crown to lords in exchange for feudal services and they, in turn, granted the land to lesser lords. THE ADMIRALTY The Admiralty was the authority responsible for the command of the Royal Navy in the Kingdom of England, and later in Great Britain and until 1964 in the United Kingdom.... The title of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom was vested in the monarch from 1964 to 2011. The title was awarded to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh by Queen Elizabeth II on his 90th birthday.[1] - 10 June 2011
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 23:51:32 +0000

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