IMPORTANT -- I didnt write this but it DESERVES to be read and - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT -- I didnt write this but it DESERVES to be read and printed for people to know the truth --- without it being overwhelmed by Goebels Style Propaganda, Defamation and outright Lies ! ---- In its entirety below -- My husband sent this in to the record in response to the article on Lamm’s lawsuit – the Record chose not to print it, but I think it makes some very valid points. Editor – Times Herald Record RE: Times Herald Record article of 09/21/14 – Perplexing Case of a Developer Charging Governmental Bias Religious discrimination in Bloomingburg? Shalom Lamm has leveled another desperate and empty accusation against a community and it’s (fairly elected) officials. His repeated cries of bias and anti-Semitism are hollow and unfounded, but seem to be the only weapon he has to muddy the waters of corruption, stemming from the previous Village and Town governments with whom he conspired to get his project approved. It has apparently escaped his attention that similar accusations of anti-Semitism, that were alleged to be rampant in the Pine Bush School District, which is part of our community, were exposed as baseless and unfounded after an exhaustive State Police investigation. Does he find it that hard to believe that people may just be opposed to a greedy and arrogant developer, colluding with corrupt government officials, to steam-roll and destroy a community by forcing a huge high density development down it’s throat? A development that stinks with the bias of existing so as to exclude anyone who is non-Hasidic, and doesn’t subscribe to those beliefs. Where is the real discrimination? In the article, Holly Roche of the Rural Community Coalition made an excellent point – how is it that only Hasidic families have moved in to the homes and apartments that Lamm owns in the Village? Was this a profound coincidence, or is Lamm catering only to one religious group, to the exclusion of others? Did he forget that he forced out an existing local pizza/deli from one of the buildings he bought, only to replace it with what? - a kosher pizza/deli. Another coincidence, perhaps. And the new homes being built, which according to Lamm are “open to anyone” - let’s see how many Christian, Muslim, and Buddhist families, or for that matter, how many white non-Jewish, African-American, or Hispanic families are welcomed into this new “community.” What does the 20-foot cross have to do with religious discrimination? Isn’t this simply a person expressing their own religious beliefs in a peaceful way? If Shalom Lamm and his partners are looking for a source of religious bigotry in Bloomingburg; a group seeking to drive out anyone who does not share their religious beliefs, they need not look far - they simply need to look in a mirror… John Vendy Bloomingburg
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 02:18:03 +0000

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