IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT MERCURY FILLINGS Just been to the dentist. - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT MERCURY FILLINGS Just been to the dentist. Do *not* get Mercury Fillings. Read on.. Last time I went, I had told my dentist id researched Mercury Fillings and found out startling information such as the European Commission trying to phase mercury out because even relatively low doses can seriously affect the nervous system and have been linked with possible harmful effects on the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. (Will put the links at the bottom) Mercury Fillings are also banned or restricted in countries such as Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany and French dentists as of 2011 were considering moving away from it: theguardian/world/2011/feb/08/mercury-fillings-europe-restriction-santi While Finland and Japan also have severe restrictions (see daily mail link at bottom) MY DENTIST TODAY blatantly admitted they take orders from above, and wouldnt want to lose my place on the registry Heres how some of the conversation went: (I had planned to record it after the first time, but I totally forgot to do it when I got in there!) I said is s/he not worries about it? Dentist said Im too old now, if this is true, I am too late [mine have affected me enough] I said are you not worried about giving it to others? Dentist I go by the register Me but do you give this information to the patients? Maybe they dont know? Dentist NHS guidelines dot require to give information out Me but its for their safety Dentist I dont agree with everything the European Commission says Me *thinking wtf..? Dentist only comes out with this now after 2 visits talking about it and after emailing them the info from the first time, and saying it was interesting* didnt give a reason why they didnt agree, and seemed a bit like they were shying away from the topic.. Dentist said theyd replace them. Am finding out who is best to replace them, certain standards are needed so you dont inhale the poisonous mercury fumes (our dentists know this too) but want to be with whoever I can trust most.. Feel free to spread the info, thought Id share. ___ MORE INFO NHS fillings - amalgam (silver-coloured): a mixture of metals including mercury, silver, tin and copper Dentists themselves have been found to have high levels of mercury in their bodies and 500 practices in Britain refuse to offer mercury fillings. - The European Commission has paved the way for phasing out dental mercury, but it seems the United States and others are not ready. According to the Commission: Mercury and most of its compounds are highly toxic to humans, animals and ecosystems. High doses can be fatal to humans, but even relatively low doses can seriously affect the nervous system and have been linked with possible harmful effects on the cardiovascular, immune and reproductive systems. The procedures taken by trained dentists when removing these fillings is sufficient evidence of the dangers of mercury amalgam fillings. They must provide an alternate airflow for the patient, so they do not breath the contaminated air from the mouth. A dam must be used to limit swallowing and inhalation. Protective gear must be worn on the body and face, and air purifiers are used. These precautions indicate a serious risk is present. Source: Linked from: infowars/european-commission-recommends-banning-mercury-fillings/ Following are from A 1991-1997 study of 3162 patients in Sweden and Germany found that 719 of those with mercury fillings, or 23 percent, tested positive for systemic allergic sensitivity to inorganic mercury on the MELISA lymphocyte proliferation test.[34] In a smaller group of 85 patients who suffered from symptoms resembling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and had their amalgams replaced with composites and metal-free ceramics, over 78 percent reported improvement in health status as compared to the period prior to metal removal.[34] A paper published as part of a 1991 National Institutes of Health conference on side-effects of dental restorative materials reported a 22.53% incidence of allergy in subjects who had amalgam fillings for more than five years.[35] [34] [35] In multiple sclerosis patients with amalgam fillings, red blood cells, haemoglobin, hematocrit, thyroxine (T4), T-lymphocytes and T-8 (CD8) suppressors cells levels are significantly lower, while blood urea nitrogen and hair mercury levels are significantly higher. The report also notes that regarding elemental mercury exposure, the main form of exposure from dental amalgam, most studies rely on assessment of exposure at the time of study, which may not be fully informative, as mercury has a long half-life in the body and thus accumulates in continuous exposure , making the evaluation of effects on health uncertain. EPA considers high blood mercury levels to be harmful to the fetus, and also states that exposure at high levels can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages. Currently, EPA has set the safe mercury exposure level to be at 5.8 μg of mercury per one liter of blood.[42][43] While mercury fillings themselves do not increase mercury levels above safe levels, they have been shown to contribute to such increase [42] [43] Autoimmune disorders Dental amalgam has been found to be a frequent contributor to oral lichenoid lesions[60] and is possibly a variable associated with an increased risk of other autoimmune conditions such as multiple sclerosis, lupus, thyroiditis and eczema.[61] [60] [61] Notable critics of amalgam fillings Alfred Stock, a noted chemist, reported becoming very ill, and eventually tracing his illness to his amalgam fillings and the resulting mercury intoxication. He described his recovery after the fillings were removed and believed that amalgam fillings would come to be seen as a sin against humanity.[84]Hal Huggins, a Colorado dentist(previous to having his license revoked), is a notable critic of dental amalgams and other dental therapies he believes to be harmful;[85] his views on amalgam toxicity were featured on 60 Minutes.[86] Some other countries, such as Sweden and Denmark, have banned the use of mercury in dental amalgams, citing health or environmental concerns.[5] The Swedish Chemicals Inspectorate (KemI) maintains a web site containing a report on the investigation for a general ban on mercury on which it states, KemI judges that there are strong grounds for banning amalgam for environmental reasons. From a health point of view there is every reason to apply a precautionary approach.[91] On July 28, 2009, FDA issued a final rule that: (1) reclassified mercury from a class I (least risk) device to class II (more risk) device; (2) classified dental amalgam as a class II device; and (3) designated a special controls guidance document for dental amalgam.[98] The special controls guidance document recommends specific labelling, including an Information for Use statement Dental amalgam has been demonstrated to be an effective restorative material that has benefits in terms of strength, marginal integrity, suitability for large occlusal surfaces, and durability. Dental amalgam also releases low levels of mercury vapor, a chemical that at high exposure levels is well documented to cause neurological and renal adverse health effects. [98]
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 11:42:40 +0000

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