IMPORTANT INFORMATION Germiest Places in Your Home Your - TopicsExpress


IMPORTANT INFORMATION Germiest Places in Your Home Your Home’s Germ Hotspots You might be surprised to find that studies have shown the average household kitchen to be more germ- and bacteria-ridden than the bathroom. If you’re shocked, read on: what follows are 15 of the germiest nooks and crannies in your home. Odds are, you’ll be ready for a deep-clean after you’re finished reading. Pay special attention to items and areas that are heavily used but oft overlooked during your daily and weekly wipe-downs-- Sponge or Dish Cloth After testing sponges and dishcloths in 22 homes, the NSF found that 77 percent contained coliform bacteria (a sign of fecal contamination), 86 percent were infected with yeast and mold, and 18 percent had traces of Staphylococcus (bacteria that can cause diarrhea and vomiting). Replace your dishrag daily or pop a damp sponge in the microwave on high for one minute to properly disinfect. Kitchen Sink and You might think twice about rinsing your veggies in a sink-full of water after knowing that nearly half of the sinks in U.S. homes hold coliform. And research has shown that many drains are trapping more than just food — its not unusual to find traces of Salmonella and Listeria, bacteria that cause food poisoning. Sanitize your sink periodically with a bleach-water solution (one cap of bleach to one gallon of water). Cutting Boards Whether you’re using wood or plastic cutting boards, listen up: worn boards provide a safe haven for nasty bacteria. If the board you are using has deep grooves and scars, toss it and buy a new one. Plastic boards should be washed with hot soapy water or run through the dishwasher; and washed, damp wooden boards can be sanitized in the microwave on high for a minute for extra protection. Coffee Maker Although cleaning might not be on the mind before your first cup o’ joe in the morning, be aware that your coffee maker reservoir is one of the top five germiest places in your home. This dark, damp environment is an ideal breading ground for mold, mildew and bacteria, and should be cleaned at least monthly. Add 4 cups of undiluted vinegar to the coffee basin and let stand for 30 minutes before running.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:59:17 +0000

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