IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH BY STUDYING DAILY ENGLISH LESSONS FROM SHIPRA INSTITUTE OF LANGUAGE. Lesson of the day. Use of modal, COULD.... 1. Used to say that one was able to/ not able to do sth. Examples: * I couldnt sleep last night. * I couldnt get good marks in exam. 2. As past form of can to express past ability. Examples: * He said that he could solve the problem. * She argued that she could earn more than her husband. * She said that she could sing well even when she was ten. 3. Could is also used to show possibility in present. Examples: * It could be a bomb. Dont touch it. * It could be risky. * Anything could happen now. 4. For permission in past. Examples: * The teacher said that we could play games in the class. * My father said that I could go for picnic. 5. Used to say that one was able or in a situation to do sth. But he didnt do. Could have + 3rd form of verb. Examples: * You could have done it but you didnt try. * He could have helped me but he made lame excuses. 6. Couldnt help + v-ing is used to say that one could not control an action Examples: * I couldnt help laughing to see him in that funny dress. * She couldnt help speaking.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 07:04:39 +0000

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