IN RESPONSE TO HIS EXCELLENCY JOHN DRAMANI MAHAMAS CALL FOR A POLEMIC FREE MEDIA: To cut straight to the heart of the matter, John Dramani Mahamas so called communication team forms the other potent half of the supposed belicose vitriolic chants on our airwaves. In fact, he rode on similar currents and sentiments to a large extent to annex power. All that notwithstanding; it is not too late for him to call a truce. However, he must know that, as long as his spokes persons and assigns keep cultivating their inordinate nark to respond in kind to all kinds of belligerent criticisms from the opposition - justifiable or otherwise - then, he will remain the de facto leader of that campaign which seeks to stoke the fires of political emotions to inferno proportions in the land. I have had occasion to advocate strongly that, we should be better off if governments of the day do spend a bit more of their time promoting socioeconomic development awareness on the media, rather than fighting back attacks of their opponents at every turn; and then following up by throwing their share of cauldrons of concocted propaganda into the melee. Mr. President must know that, irrespective of the motives behind the frustrations being vented, most a number go to portray actual and real sufferings of the people in this country. Admissibly, it is an uphill task, and as such, it engenders no confidence and trust when his government and its personnel still seem to be wading comfortably through the sort of waters that created this ungodly mess in the first place. The time is always right Mr. President, like never before, to compose a team of thinkers of great thoughts and doers of great deeds; to lift us up n out of this state of woebegone wretchedness. Does events such as Vicky leaks present to the ordinary man a true insight into the sort of personnel in leadership? I hope not. Desperately I hope not. Otherwise, His Excellency is right; the frustrations are far misplaced in radio studios; theyll better serve their purpose in the form of protests on the streets of Accra, Kumasi, Zabzugu - Tatale, Jasikan, Hohoe, Ejisu Besease; and wherever a true spirited human with enough dignity to stand for his/her right to life (to a decent and dignifying one) lives in our land. myjoyonline/news/2013/November-24th/mahama-venting-frustrations-on-radio-wont-build-a-better-ghana.php
Posted on: Mon, 25 Nov 2013 09:47:34 +0000

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