INDEPENDENT LEFT ASSERTION AGAINST NEO- LIBERAL RAJ THE 16TH LOK SABHA polls are once again systematically reduced to a spectrum of big and small, all India and state level, ruling class parties contesting to establish who among them is the best to continue the neo-liberal agenda. In this absurd drama the corporate ruling class, their political representatives of all hues, the communal-caste forces and the media have joined hands. Irrespective of all the acrimonious debates and mud-slinging among these forces, their collusion to safeguard the interests of the ruling system is well evident. The whole election is sought to be reduced to a one point agenda of ‘who will become the next prime minister’. At this time, the responsibility of the left forces, if they really represent a left agenda, should be to bring together all left and democratic forces who oppose the neo-liberal agenda of the ruling class forces to throw out these rainbow parties serving the very same agenda. But, as many of them have decisively degenerated to rightist positions, what is happening is not a program based unity among them, but more disunity, with many among them joining hands with the ruling class parties. What is happening is a mechanical repetition of what happened in 2004, when the CPI(M) led Left Front with 64 LS members becoming an appendage of the Congress led UPA in the name of keeping BJP away from power. By doing so it helped the UPA government to pursue the neo-liberal agenda easily. After a decade of its rule, the UPA and the Congress leading it are thoroughly exposed. In this situation, to conceal its stand as apologists and executioners of the ruling class policies, the CPI(M) is forced to take an anti-Congress, anti-BJP stand, at least in words. It is borrowing the words of the revolutionary left that both Congress and BJP are two sides of the very same coin. But, after saying so it rushes to form a ‘third front’ of all regional parties ranging from AIADMK to SP, JD(U) and others, which are competing with Congress and BJP to speed up neo-liberal policies wherever they are in power. Hat happens? Now AIADMK has refused to give more than one seat each to CPI(M) and CPI and the third front has vanished in TN, Similarly BJD in Odisha also has refused to share any seats with them. Thus soon after it was launched this front is becoming a non-starter. On the other hand, as CPI(M) behaves as a big brother in Kerala and Bengal where it has some strength, the RSP in Kerala has already left the LDF and joined the Congress led UDF for getting a seat. In AP, both CPI(M) and CPI are going for different fronts. In short, in the bargain to form the third front, its own three decade long Left Front is disintegrating. As far as the CPI (ML) Liberation is concerned, in spite of the setbacks it has suffered after its 2007 Conference, it is still not ready to abandon the liquidationist line of forming ‘grand alliance’ with the CPI (M) and CPI. Only in Jharkhand it could forge such an alliance with these two. Still it is not ready to abandon this opportunist line and join with the revolutionary left forces. It is acting as apologists of the so-called ‘third front’. Meanwhile the anarchist CPI(Maoist) is flexing its muscles in Dantewada through an another ambush against the para-military forces and showing that it is not prepared to abandon its suicidal line. The CPI (M) dissidents in different states are moving fast openly to the side of ruling class parties. All of them, refuse to rectify hitherto basically rightist positions and to join with the revolutionary left positions. The corporate media still call them left and try to confuse the masses. It is by fighting against all the ruling class parties and all shades of these degenerated left, the CPI(ML) Red Star has succeeded to put forward its revolutionary ideological-political line and to expand the organization at all India level. As a part of developing the class struggle in all fields, it has succeeded to expand the Democratic People’s Forum based on its ten-point program including total rejection of the neo-liberal policies also. The Party and the DPF constituents are contesting more than hundred seats in 18 states with the slogan “vote for people’s power’ putting forward an alternative development paradigm against the so-called development line of the ruling class parties which are leading to impoverishment of people and devastation of the nature. So whether the corporate media reports or not, the real ideological-political struggle in the 16th LS elections is between all shades of parties practicing neo-liberal policies on the one hand and the revolutionary left and democratic forces who reject the neo-liberal raj and stand for a people’ alternative against it.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 19:27:16 +0000

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